Wolf Attack in Banff campground


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
Yucca Valley, CA
From news article: https://www.thestar.com/calgary/201...ens-after-investigation-into-wolf-attack.html
"CALGARY—A Banff-area campsite that saw a wolf attack a visitor last week reopened to the public Monday after an investigation into the incident.

Rampart Creek Campground in Banff National Park was closed by Parks Canada after a wolf attack at around 1 a.m. Friday left one camper with injuries to their hand and arm. According to Parks Canada officials, the wolf was later found a kilometre south of the campground and killed to ensure public safety.

Parks Canada said this was the first instance of a wolf attacking a visitor at a national park in Canada. The campground was closed for an investigation, but Parks Canada officials said they're confident it is safe to reopen."

from facebook: "Elisa Rispoli" (sorry, don't know how to post link)
"This is a hard thing to post, since I haven't fully comprehended that it happened yet. Last night, while sleeping in our tent in Banff National Park, we were attacked by a Wolf.

It was like something out of a horror movie. Matt literally threw his body in front of me and the boys, and fought the Wolf as it ripped apart our tent and his arms and hands. We were screaming for help as he was fighting it and trying to save us, for what felt like an eternity (but I think was anywhere from 1-3 minutes). I laid my body on top of the kids and Matt pinned the Wolf to the ground and held open its jaw with his hands, and the Wolf started to drag Matt away, while I was pulling on his legs trying to get him back. I cannot and don't think I'll ever be able to properly describe the terror.

A guardian angel from the tent site next to us, who we later found out was named Russ, heard our screams and came over to our site and kicked the Wolf and it finally let go of Matt. They had to continue to throw huge rocks at the Wolf while we ran as fast as we could to Russ' mini van to safety. It continued to follow Matt.

The rest of the night is a blur of EMTs, good Samaritans, waiting for treatment, no phone service and crying. But here we are in Banff hospital, where Matt's puncture wounds, and lacerations on his hands and arms have been treated and he's ok. We are pretty traumatized but ok. They evacuated the campground and Parks Canada killed the wolf in the early morning today.

It could have been so so much worse, and we are just feeling so thankful that we are all still sitting here as a complete family. Matt is our absolute hero (I mean, way more than he normally was) and we are forever grateful to Russ who came to our aid and likely saved Matt's life.

I love you Matthew- thank you for being our hero, a complete ******* badass and for fighting with everything in you.

Thank you for all the calls, texts and love so far. Flow all your good thoughts toward us in Canada, please! And, do us a favor and go give the people you love most a big kiss and let 'em know."

From news article: https://www.thestar.com/calgary/201...ens-after-investigation-into-wolf-attack.html
"CALGARY—A Banff-area campsite that saw a wolf attack a visitor last week reopened to the public Monday after an investigation into the incident.

Rampart Creek Campground in Banff National Park was closed by Parks Canada after a wolf attack at around 1 a.m. Friday left one camper with injuries to their hand and arm. According to Parks Canada officials, the wolf was later found a kilometre south of the campground and killed to ensure public safety.

Parks Canada said this was the first instance of a wolf attacking a visitor at a national park in Canada. The campground was closed for an investigation, but Parks Canada officials said they're confident it is safe to reopen."

from facebook: "Elisa Rispoli" (sorry, don't know how to post link)
"This is a hard thing to post, since I haven't fully comprehended that it happened yet. Last night, while sleeping in our tent in Banff National Park, we were attacked by a Wolf.

It was like something out of a horror movie. Matt literally threw his body in front of me and the boys, and fought the Wolf as it ripped apart our tent and his arms and hands. We were screaming for help as he was fighting it and trying to save us, for what felt like an eternity (but I think was anywhere from 1-3 minutes). I laid my body on top of the kids and Matt pinned the Wolf to the ground and held open its jaw with his hands, and the Wolf started to drag Matt away, while I was pulling on his legs trying to get him back. I cannot and don't think I'll ever be able to properly describe the terror.

A guardian angel from the tent site next to us, who we later found out was named Russ, heard our screams and came over to our site and kicked the Wolf and it finally let go of Matt. They had to continue to throw huge rocks at the Wolf while we ran as fast as we could to Russ' mini van to safety. It continued to follow Matt.

The rest of the night is a blur of EMTs, good Samaritans, waiting for treatment, no phone service and crying. But here we are in Banff hospital, where Matt's puncture wounds, and lacerations on his hands and arms have been treated and he's ok. We are pretty traumatized but ok. They evacuated the campground and Parks Canada killed the wolf in the early morning today.

It could have been so so much worse, and we are just feeling so thankful that we are all still sitting here as a complete family. Matt is our absolute hero (I mean, way more than he normally was) and we are forever grateful to Russ who came to our aid and likely saved Matt's life.

I love you Matthew- thank you for being our hero, a complete ******* badass and for fighting with everything in you.

Thank you for all the calls, texts and love so far. Flow all your good thoughts toward us in Canada, please! And, do us a favor and go give the people you love most a big kiss and let 'em know."

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Good job Matt! I am going to do my part and take out as many as I can!
I applaud his courage in protecting his family; agree, what a badass taking on a wolf barehanded! Dude should never have to buy his own drink again. Montana campground I guarantee that would have ended way sooner though.
They didn't wipe them out in Europe for no reason!

Exactly. The reason was human ignorance. We can either learn from the past or be ignorant. Just glad everyone's ok. What's the ratio of any human/other than human encounter where one or the other dies? Remember that you have to keep in mind auto encounters.

I love being and recreating in the Rockies, especially with wild critters around like mt lions, bears and every other critter god has to offer, mosquitos excepted. I think many humans feel every place they've paid something for, is a club med. I see it all the time here in CO lately and many of our critters are taking the brunt of what could easily be seen as a human infestation.
Matt...way to be a savage for you family. These type of things happen out in the Wild which is why they call it the wild and if it were not for our toys we spend too much on, we would more or less always be the prey out there but kuddos and free drinks for Matt for sure.
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