White Folks Gonna Riot?

The sad thing is that many people probably agree with him. In 3.5 more years you can vote in a new guy/ gal who you think should be in there. That's all we need is to have riots in the streets... what does that solve???

on a side note, if I didn't think people agreed w/ him, I'd be laughing my butt off.
Sadly, whites have been beat over the head with tolerance, tolerance, and more tolerance for minorities, for so long, that they've become incapable of mobilizing and fighting back against intolerance and injustice heaped on them by these same minorities.
what this country has become after the obama administration is that the people are now sheep we are not sheep we need to prepare for anything that is going to happen and we should preparegun)
The sad thing is that many people probably agree with him. In 3.5 more years you can vote in a new guy/ gal who you think should be in there.

Somehow you expect a miracle to occur? You really think the 2 choices in 3.5 years are going to be better?

I pretty much can't stand ANY politicians.

They ALL have their own agenda. I will bet good money that 99% ( I leave a chance that there be a couple good ones out there) are corrupt.
Somehow you expect a miracle to occur? You really think the 2 choices in 3.5 years are going to be better?

I pretty much can't stand ANY politicians.

They ALL have their own agenda. I will bet good money that 99% ( I leave a chance that there be a couple good ones out there) are corrupt.

Sadly, you are correct. I am not aware of a single Socialist Demoncrap at the National level that is not a Socialist lowlife. In my view only 8-10 Republicans are decent at the Nat. level. The rest are just Democrat lite. I am involved now with the Constitution Party. In many positions we don't have anyone running in AR & in that case we support the candidate that follows the Constitution, be it a Republican or Independent.
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