Number of shots in PD town

Of course, Conata is no more, thanks to the G.D. black footed ferret.

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We've got to protect what we still have.

It was what it must have been like to shoot Buffalo in the 1800's.

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Don't want more animals to go the way of the buffalo.
I shot with a guy on a town not far from me a couple of years ago and he showed up with something like 3K rounds of ammo. It was a good town and a guy told him to expect 1000 rounds a day. About noon he was laying in the bed of the pickup loading 22 clips completely wore out from trying to get his 1000 in by the end of the day. We started doing the math and figured a 10 hour day would require a shot every 6/10 of a minute. The general consensus was that a 1000 round day would require you worrying more about shooting the rounds than the prarie dogs. 200-250 has always seemed to be plenty for me.
Closing an area to shooting cause they are introducing ferrets is a political BS maneuver.What has happened in every case is that the dogs have over-run their boundary's and/or food source.Only to get whacked by the plague or poison was used to cut the #s back.
True shooters may take out a ferret by accident once in a while but the plague and/or poison take them all out!!!
I've sean numerous ferrets where shooting takes place on a constant basis.If the Gov fools spent real time in the field they would see it too.Trying to control what a rancher does with prairie dogs on his property has killed more dogs than the political fools ever could hope to save!!
Putting out warning signs that there are ferrets in the area and to make sure of your targets would save a lot of other critters too,most doggers are responsible enough or at least more responsible than the people put in charge of forced conservation!
To save the numerous emails,phone calls and visits I've gotten in the past for posting ferret sighting.I saw them all behind the Oak Ridge church....The Truth wouldn't do the ferrets any good anyway!!
Of course, Conata is no more, thanks to the G.D. black footed ferret.

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We've got to protect what we still have.

It was what it must have been like to shoot Buffalo in the 1800's.

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Don't want more animals to go the way of the buffalo.

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Well sure. But the buffalo were killed to get rid of the Indians.

We shot towns that went as far as we could see, and didn't make a dent in them...

... but the state did what we couldn't do.

They poisoned 132,000 acres the next year.

When we went back to the same towns, there was nothing but dry holes as far as you could see.

Poison is the threat to PD's, not shooters.

We shot towns that went as far as we could see, and didn't make a dent in them...

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That is what I see. Go into a town with 3-4 guys and you just hammer the dogs and come back into the same town the next day and it looks like you were never there with the exception of a few of the carnage remains here and there. The number of dogs appear to be not any less but obviously there was a smitpile of them to begin with to sustain that much loss and look like you never made a dent in the population.

We have a saying amongst our group, thought I would share here: PD Eliminators-you provide the dirt, we provide the hurt.

Well sure. But the buffalo were killed to get rid of the Indians.

We shot towns that went as far as we could see, and didn't make a dent in them...

... but the state did what we couldn't do.

They poisoned 132,000 acres the next year.

When we went back to the same towns, there was nothing but dry holes as far as you could see.

Poison is the threat to PD's, not shooters.

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That's a good point. I must have been drunk when I posted that. Didn't have my thinkin' cap on for sure.
I'd have to say 250-500 per day depending on terrain. If its brushy and shots are semi close less rounds fired. If the country is wide open then expect 400-500 easy. Last year me and a friend each shot 600+rds each on the same day and when we drove out of the town it looked like it did before we came. Dogs every where. Hope its that good this year.
Boy does the Conata basin bring back memories. We used to roll into Wall to rest up from the trip and shoot dogs for two or three days below the badlands. We never had real hot shooting but it was enough to keep us interested. A lot of fun. Too bad it was taken away from us. Next year I will be retired and will have to find new places to shoot.

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