I Know This Is LRH... But What Is The Shortest Distance You Have Taken A Live Target?

I live up in the Ozark Mountains and there are trees everywhere here, therefore we get extremely few shots past 100 yds on deer, but that also means that deer can come right up on you in no time without you even realizing it.

My shortest shot that I have ever taken a whitetail deer is about 5 feet! Yep, 1.666 yds with a crossbow. What is your shortest shot?

View attachment 569619 This isn't the doe I shot at 5ft, but it shows how close they get.
1.666 yds with a crossbow! that's not a shot, it's a subway stabbing in a crowded car. 🤣👍 Cheers
I was ml hunting with my Savage 10ml shooting smokeless powder, and had practiced out past 300 yards, and was confident to that distance. I was much younger and endured the countless shots and punishing recoil pushing those 300 grain XTP's at a fairly good clip back in those days. It was opening day of ml season here in OK, and it was a perfect morning, high 20's, no wind, good frost. Pretty unusual for around here that early. I had rattled and grunted all morning and had not seen a single deer and went through one last series at 11:00 am and was going to climb down. After rattling and grunting a really nice 4x4 came charging in so close all I could see was brown hair in my scope, and a front leg extending down. Not sure how close he was, but he was close, all that long range practice for nothing lol, but I had my buck.
Deer do crazy things.
The stoopid things just kept walking out despite the one in front of them falling over.

I gave them to a family of immigrants that worked for family.

It was probably an '06 - it's been 25+ yrs. The tree has gotten so big that I can't get my climber on it any more, and there are planted pines in front that make a 25ft ladder stand useless. I regularly climbed that tree to 45ft. I could see the nuclear reactor in the next county over from it.
1987, I was 31 yrs old and chasing a herd of Roosevelt elk in Oregon's Cascade range. Big, heavy timber and lots of underbrush. I caught up to the herd and I had a legal bull about 10 feet from me. I thought I would try to get closer. I think there was about a foot from the end of my barrel to his butt. I was a little bit lower than him so I thought I would shoot him in the back of the head...bang/flop. I forgot to take into consideration that my bore sat 1.5" below my sight line and that 165gr Core-Lokt took him at the base of his tail and went right up the spinal cord. When I skinned hjm an started to take out the back straps, I didn't have to use my knife to separate them from the ribs/spine. The hydrostatic shock of that bullet had completely loosened the backstraps, clearly up to the shoulders. I guess since it went up the spinal canal there was absolutely no bloodshot to the meat. My closest with Bow was on a black bear that had decided I was dinner. I got my bow drawn back as she started his last lunge at me. My arrow went into the pocket at the base of his neck, went through her, out her gut on his left side and broke her left hind leg, just above his ankle. That break caused her to Rroll and she went about a hundred yards down a steep slope but, I just about had to clean out my britches on that one.
I jumped off a rock ledge and stab a sheep. When I was hunting in the islands with my knife. I felt the fur on my hand. The knife went in so deep.
I also was bow hunting one time on the islands the pigs came through the underbrush it was so close that I had to pull my bow as I stuck it out the arrow stuck in his forehead and knocked the arrows off my bow quiver I about got stabbed with the knock
I live up in the Ozark Mountains and there are trees everywhere here, therefore we get extremely few shots past 100 yds on deer, but that also means that deer can come right up on you in no time without you even realizing it.

My shortest shot that I have ever taken a whitetail deer is about 5 feet! Yep, 1.666 yds with a crossbow. What is your shortest shot?

View attachment 569619 This isn't the doe I shot at 5ft, but it shows how close they get.

Less than 6 feet
Also in the Ozarks (Boston Mtns).
Rattle Snakes (3)

(1) .22LR Ruger Single Six,
(2) .25 Super M77 MKII
(3) .204 R M77 MKII

4 feet with the Single Six - bullet hole in center of reptile's head
Rifles - about 8 feet. Had to zoom down scope to lowest power & compensate for scope above bore, snake heads looked fuzzy.
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2 seasons ago, I snuck into a small island in the middle of a swamp. The white tail deer walked right past me. A small buck came and approached me to see what I was. I literally had to raise the rifle to push him away. The 10 point that came by next was not so lucky.