First Turkey!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2010
Southern Ontario
Hello everyone, i got my first turkey ever this morning and had to share the story. I am 17 years old and i just took my turkey course about a month ago. I have been going out before school every day for the past week and a half (6 days to be exact) and i have seen turkeys every day but not one would get close enough. Finally this morning i had a Big Tom come my way and stopped about 75 yards and turned. A decent size jake kept coming right in to the 30 yard mark and i let him half it. Heres some pics.
4" beard
1/2" spurs
17 LBS.

not the biggest but my first! Will be going out again tomorrow and maybe i can get that tom!

the first pic shows a de feathered patch on the left side of his chest and its because we began to de-feather him
Thank you for taking interest. I was so excited i had to share. i know its not big, or interesting, i can tell from all the reply's :p but he was my first and it was a must. so thank you
hooked is an understatement. Im trying to taking my parents into missing a few more classes to go in the morning. Early next week i will be trying for a bigger one :)
Congrats, you are now RUINED for LIFE! LOL

Hang in there with the old big boy. They are just as dumb as we are........just be there when he lets his guard down!
GOOD LUCK for ever.
a little late but figured id post my neighbors luck for the season.

Figured i would show you my neighbors turkey too. 2 days after i got mine, went out for my second bird and hoping he would get his first of the season and man did he ever score. Sorry about the pictures, iphone camera on a ****** day.

23 lbs bird, 10.5" bird but no spurs shot at 41 yards



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