Coyote success from several hunts.

I'm still a hand caller myself...sorta set in my ways I guess.

Dave, your one-in-three call stats are excellent, especially when you consider you're doing at least part of the calling on public land. Pretty darn good.
Woke up by a pack of yippin yotes last night. Wanted nothing to do with prey sounds. But would answer back at yote sounds. Never did see any of them, but they were within a few hundred yards based on what I heard. Anyone out there call em at night and have any recommendations?
Woke up by a pack of yippin yotes last night. Wanted nothing to do with prey sounds. But would answer back at yote sounds. Never did see any of them, but they were within a few hundred yards based on what I heard. Anyone out there call em at night and have any recommendations?
I do a lot of night hunting with spotlights. Always have a lot of success with a rabbit distress. If you are trying to call them in towards your house, I dont think they will come in. If you set up a little ways away, down the road or whatever, they should come in. Pup in distress isnt bad this time of year either.
Woke up by a pack of yippin yotes last night. Wanted nothing to do with prey sounds. But would answer back at yote sounds. Never did see any of them, but they were within a few hundred yards based on what I heard. Anyone out there call em at night and have any recommendations?

I don't even use red lights or anything - I just roll with a regular spot light out of the back of the truck and they usually come screaming into the call.
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