Cold Bore fliers

Would need lots more info.

Are scope and bases tight?
Scope/reticle level to bore?
Reticle level when fired?
Free hand, off bipod with rear bag?
Windy or calm
Do you shoot well with other guns or with this gun and different ammo?
Gun specs?
Weight of gun and is trigger light and crisp?
Barrel free floating?

I am sure there will be more questions, but really hard to help diagnosis and issue without all the info.
Would need lots more info.

Are scope and bases tight?
Scope/reticle level to bore?
Reticle level when fired?
Free hand, off bipod with rear bag?
Windy or calm
Do you shoot well with other guns or with this gun and different ammo?
Gun specs?
Weight of gun and is trigger light and crisp?
Barrel free floating?

I am sure there will be more questions, but really hard to help diagnosis and issue without all the info.
Already checked the scope, rings & base all tight, reticle Level, it's a MK5, off bipod on range bench with rear bag and10 mph wind. First shot 1.5 out, shots 2&3 touched, changed to different ammo. Fourth shot flier, the 5th & 6th was almost touching. Cleaning barrel before hand with proshot accelerator and wipeout. Barrel has 60 rounds through it, gun seems to always have cold bore first time flier. Only shot 6 rounds then went home. Thinking its me do I need to use some carb cleaner or something as final process.
If you are cleaning barrel and then shooting, you will have a first shot flyer with most barrels. Barrels need to be clean of copper while breaking it in, but once a gun barrel is broken in, it does not need to be cleaned often, and actually cleaning can affect accuracy. If you barrel is free of copper, shoot it to foul it, then shoot for accuracy. If you still get a flyer, get someone else to shoot it. Many times, fliers are from the shooter not the gun. Are you being methodical in your shooting? Is your trigger factory or aftermarket. Is it crisp or does it have creep? I find most guns that don't shoot accurately, have TERRIBLE triggers. I do trigger jobs or replace triggers on all my guns as I want the same pull across the board. Still a lot of questions not answered from above.
Some bores require fouling to some degree and the round count for consistency can be far greater than expected. You may be over cleaning it and barrel cannot "settle" down.
I agree with this. A clean bore will sometimes have a different POI.
Don't clean it every 3 shots and see if there's a difference.
In a hunting gun after I get it as good as possible accuracy wise.... with barrel dirty....
I leave it outside in the weather I'm going to hunt in......
Then on separate days... I go out and fire 1 shot..... using same target for the next 4 days...
I adjust scope to center up on cold shot group.
In my experience I have found VERY few guns that will cold bore shoot into the group...
What rifle? Factory or custom barrel? If factory ammo, that could also be the culprit. What ammo are you shooting. Could just need breaking it in longer to start shooing well.

To test this:

Clean to bare steel.
Shoot 5 rounds of same ammo lot (don't swap manufacturers). Not cold/clean bore and the 4 shots following. You are just fouling and creating a starting point as if hunting.
Put it up and shoot something else until it can get to ambient temps. Put it away for the day is even better.
Push ONE clean dry patch through it, but do not use solvent.
Take it out again and shoot one cold/dirty shot and a follow up. Put it away until it is ambient temps or for the day even better.
One dry clean patch
Shoot one cold/dirty and one follow up.
Do this a few times. It's hard to not take it out and shoot a bunch, but if a factory hunting type rifle/barrel-it may only like a cold bore and a follow up shot-just like in hunting.

If able do this on the same target sheets with different dots, but label by date. You should see a pattern.
What does a cold bore flier have to do with a LRH group hunt (the section this is posted in)?
Meaning no disrespect the problem we have up north is we hunt in sub zero.... and test on sunny summer days..... in my comment I mentioned dirty barrel....trying to defer some of his mistakes.....
For all the guys like I have done test in warm weather drive 1500 miles to hunt with or without rechecking zero...
in a 50* temp.change...