calling dogs----

I was calling at about 10 pm. I had a fence between me and the open lot next door. I had called about 5 nights in a row --- got nothing. I knew there was a whole pack in the woods beside me. Only ever saw one of them once--- it was 36 inches at the shoulder. most seen on game camera were about 15 inches. scrawny little things.
5-th night of calling - i called a few time and then heard something hit the fence. When I heard that--- it didnt sound to me like a coyote- too noisy. I was at the back 8
foot gate rested on the fencepost. i had all ready interacted with them--- and was afraid I was ****ing one off for it to come running like that. I bailed out and made my way up the fence line about 50 years. I heard him clear his throat - sounded like someone with pneumonia--- he cleared his throat and gave the classic 10 sec. long roar.
about that time ( as snoopy said) I heard a chocolate chip cookie calling me in the house.

I had several more interactions both before and after that.
I believe they had been there all my life and were used to me and didnt see me as a threat. But it was only 10 years ago that i discovered they were around. The woods there were shrinking every year from development. My house sitter saw one in the yard about 40 yards away illuminated with his LED light. about 8.5 feet tall. They just locked eyes for about 10 sec. Then he just strolled away. They had a child just before i moved away. They would get into the trash in the trailer park up the street. Cops called.
cops all over- shining their spotlights up 40 feet into the tops of pine trees :) I guess they figured no one would
figure that out. You dont look for burglars up in 40 foot pine trees. :) I grew up there and crawled through those bushes all through grade school -- never knowing.
so they knew me but I never knew them till late in the game. After that I learned to see the signs in the woods that they leave. Not that hard once you know what to look for. and -- after you -- know---- you become open to other creatures that might be "around" that are not supposed to exist. I see signs in the woods here that they have been here in the past and may be here intermittently. I will be nice to them - if they allow me to be.
It was 1:30 AM in northern Florida on a very remote 2 lane road. 4 of us were cave diving & headed back to our hotel. 2 in the back, I rode shotgun & a state trooper was driving. Suddenly he shouted, "What the 'heck' is that?" 15' - 20' from the road was a dark, tall, huge, hairy something on 2 feet. It turned & ran straight toward our car, (MY WINDOW), as we just barely breezed by it. The driver made a u-turn going back. Nothing! We walked the area down but nothing.
Once in a very remote section of east TN I stopped my Yamaha for "a nature break", again around 1:30 AM. While still "taking care of things" I heard the loudest, powerful, deep-bass, gutteral growl I ever heard! I was back on the bike & gone in 2 shakes! 🤭
Well, not saying either way, but if you want to settle this just get the House or Senate to investigate with one of their oversight committees. Kinda like they did with that alien thing
I just had a brilliant idea. Let's put a bunch of those politicians that don't believe in the 2nd Amendment out in the woods, and then call in one of those squatch
What bothers me is the ridicule. Not many people want to be laughed at and mocked for sharing an experience they had.

Been proven many times over, just not part of the white man's official narrative for some reason 🤷‍♂️

Just about every indigenous culture on every known continent has a different name for this being.

Could all these people, all over the world, who don't know eachother be sharing some collective hallucination? If so, is that not worthy of examination in itself?

Debate and skepticism is cool,

Challenging someone's integrity on a subject you have no experience with is not.

There is a line there.

Maybe I'm just reading you wrong, and if that's the case I apologize. Sometimes tone is hard to interpret through text.

Fun? Now if someone said they high fived a Sasquatch I'd be skeptical...
For every documentary in support of squatch with a scientist throwing in credentials, there are 10 more saying no. Folk lore aside, what evidence? Shittie videos, foot print casts? We have hunters all over the world with the most advanced equipment trying to locate the king of hide and seek and yet we are at ground zero still. We do still have tribes practicing sacrificial rituals and believing in things like voodoo so I don't give them any credit at all. Last night I was watching, yet again, another documentary in support of the beast and in the end.......... nothing new. I did fall asleep so I need to rewatch part of it. I guess you have to decide which narrative you wish to go with..... folk lore or credible and repeatable scientific facts and evidence. My issue is that I know people crave attention and the more outlandish the claim the more attention you can garner from it. I get it, but I am a skeptic of this entire subject for good reason, science as a whole does not support the claim. I have to side with science on this subject simply because the whole ordeal is way too far fetched and people love a good outlandish story. There are 333 million people in the US and there are 5000 credible sightings listed. This is only a USA deal as well. There are 80000 UFO sightings. Right now there is zero DNA evidence to support the claim yet we have scientist discovering new species etc every year as things change and evolve. Some how this singular prehistoric being has survived 100's of thousands of years, coexisting with modern day USA, and not a single skeleton, credible hair fiber, or other evidence to support the science is there. Thankfully Idaho is not on the radar screen for bigfoot or aliens, I guess we are not wanted because we are skeptical pricks, but I am fine with that. The woods in the dark is already spooky enough without having to worry about being a yeti sex slave or alien probe toy. I am actually a bit happier not believing in the boogie man so I can venture out into the bush alone and only worrying about bears, lions, and wolves ruining my day.
Done a bit of dog calling - about half at night, half in day. Definitely had more surprises at night - owls, bobcats, mountain lions. The owls can seriously mess with you and your set. I've had more than a few rodeos with owls!
Lol ! I've had the same thing happen with owls. I've swung my bow over my head because they were dive bombing me. Sitting in wash once at night with my back against bank. Buddy was calling down from me and a coyote came running in and jumped over my legs heading for him. Coyote saw him and came running back past me at about 5 yds. I swung shotgun and shot but missed him. Probably because he was so close. 😉
Unless they can shed the fur and wear shorts and flip flops in the summer, I'm going out on a limb saying there are none in Alabama. Don't know if they are in the northern climate, But we have a little bug called chiggers. If you ever get a few dozen, or more on you, you will always remember them. Especially if they get in places of a more sensitive area. Maybe that's why Bigfoot gets such a nasty rep!
I have heard they are THICK in eastern and northern tX.
I believe it is in the "big thicket" area. Supposed to be relatively hostile and aggressive there too. Reports indicate that their "attitude" towards humans Varys with location. Maybe depending on their history of being shot at--- or not--- some places they tolerate us to an amazing degree.
other places you are lucky to get out alive. There is a an abandoned town on the south coast of AK that is abandoned because of them. Everybody just fled. I think there was a fish canning plant there. Now- the natives who control the land there don't allow anyone to go in there.
I think there is no road access. only by boat .

Anyway---- if there are hog where you are--- you have them-- even if you have never seen them. They have seen you. :)
This sounds suspiciously like a camp where the Natives processed fish where almost everyone was wiped out by disease, and so is avoided as a "place of Death". I saw it on an episode of Expedition Overland. Same or different? Only been to AK once, for caribou.
For every documentary in support of squatch with a scientist throwing in credentials, there are 10 more saying no. Folk lore aside, what evidence? Shittie videos, foot print casts? We have hunters all over the world with the most advanced equipment trying to locate the king of hide and seek and yet we are at ground zero still. We do still have tribes practicing sacrificial rituals and believing in things like voodoo so I don't give them any credit at all. Last night I was watching, yet again, another documentary in support of the beast and in the end.......... nothing new. I did fall asleep so I need to rewatch part of it. I guess you have to decide which narrative you wish to go with..... folk lore or credible and repeatable scientific facts and evidence. My issue is that I know people crave attention and the more outlandish the claim the more attention you can garner from it. I get it, but I am a skeptic of this entire subject for good reason, science as a whole does not support the claim. I have to side with science on this subject simply because the whole ordeal is way too far fetched and people love a good outlandish story. There are 333 million people in the US and there are 5000 credible sightings listed. This is only a USA deal as well. There are 80000 UFO sightings. Right now there is zero DNA evidence to support the claim yet we have scientist discovering new species etc every year as things change and evolve. Some how this singular prehistoric being has survived 100's of thousands of years, coexisting with modern day USA, and not a single skeleton, credible hair fiber, or other evidence to support the science is there. Thankfully Idaho is not on the radar screen for bigfoot or aliens, I guess we are not wanted because we are skeptical pricks, but I am fine with that. The woods in the dark is already spooky enough without having to worry about being a yeti sex slave or alien probe toy. I am actually a bit happier not believing in the boogie man so I can venture out into the bush alone and only worrying about bears, lions, and wolves ruining my day.
Well, sure. Once the aliens put the nano-web control mechanism in your brain, that's what you would say 🤣🤣🤣
there is lots of actual evidence. Its just that some don't want to see it. So many skeptics -in many subjects- evoke the name of science- and then cherry pick the facts that support the negative and discount the other facts which support the positive. When using legitimate science-- all the evidence must be considered. When you start throwing evidence out on an emotional basis you don't have science anymore. You have propaganda. (remember the "science" we have just been through for 4 years ?)

Did you know that Theodore Roosevelt and Lewis and Clark
had their own Bigfoot encounters?

Have you heard of Dr. Melba Ketchum ? She has collected
over 200 DNA samples. She submitted them to 2 or 3 independent DNA labs- and all three came back with the same result. Mother human--- Father non-human unknown.

sorry to let you know--- mut Montana , Idaho and Colorado are filled with Bigfoot. There are plenty of videos of HUGE tree structures where full grown mature trees are either broken off or uprooted, carried for a distance and then up righted to build huge tee-pee structures or huge X shaped structures. These are trees that may weigh 5,000 pounds each. do you contend a drunk camper with plywood bigfoot shaped feet trekked 30 miles into the woods and uprooted 6000 lb trees ?

Or how about the logging camp that had the roof cage of a D9 bulldozer crushed with a 5000 pound boulder and another heavy vehicle rolled over- forcing the whole operation to flee the site. did the drunk camper with the plywood feet do that too ?

How about the close up pictures taken by Todd Standing.?
Nothing fuzzy about those.

Plenty of evidence--- just that some people don't want to see evidence. And if you do present evidence - you are a "nut" because you must be discredited. There is a thing I call the science mafia. If evidence doesn't fit their prefabricated model of reality--- it doesn't exist.
I don't need to be convinced.
there is lots of actual evidence. Its just that some don't want to see it. So many skeptics -in many subjects- evoke the name of science- and then cherry pick the facts that support the negative and discount the other facts which support the positive. When using legitimate science-- all the evidence must be considered. When you start throwing evidence out on an emotional basis you don't have science anymore. You have propaganda. (remember the "science" we have just been through for 4 years ?)

Did you know that Theodore Roosevelt and Lewis and Clark
had their own Bigfoot encounters?

Have you heard of Dr. Melba Ketchum ? She has collected
over 200 DNA samples. She submitted them to 2 or 3 independent DNA labs- and all three came back with the same result. Mother human--- Father non-human unknown.

sorry to let you know--- mut Montana , Idaho and Colorado are filled with Bigfoot. There are plenty of videos of HUGE tree structures where full grown mature trees are either broken off or uprooted, carried for a distance and then up righted to build huge tee-pee structures or huge X shaped structures. These are trees that may weigh 5,000 pounds each. do you contend a drunk camper with plywood bigfoot shaped feet trekked 30 miles into the woods and uprooted 6000 lb trees ?

Or how about the logging camp that had the roof cage of a D9 bulldozer crushed with a 5000 pound boulder and another heavy vehicle rolled over- forcing the whole operation to flee the site. did the drunk camper with the plywood feet do that too ?

How about the close up pictures taken by Todd Standing.?
Nothing fuzzy about those.

Plenty of evidence--- just that some people don't want to see evidence. And if you do present evidence - you are a "nut" because you must be discredited. There is a thing I call the science mafia. If evidence doesn't fit their prefabricated model of reality--- it doesn't exist.
I don't need to be convinced.
Catbrain, I will certainly be convinced when I examine the carcass of a bigfoot. If they exist, they will be discovered and it will be confirmed. Until then, I prefer to maintain objectivity and rational thinking. Believing in a species that cannot be caught, killed or confirmed is not rational.

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