Gone Ballistic
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  • The past years haven't been kind to me. I was burglarized of every tool, equipment and materials that I owned to build my home. I'd spent 25 years working extra jobs buying tools, still new in boxes at today's prices are triple the price. With a disease I was controlling by working building now lost, I'm losing my battle. For the first time since 1958, I didn't buy a hunting license last year.
    Hello again,

    Summer and September was really busy for me. I got to hunt deer and elk last couple of weeks though. Didn't see any muleys worth shooting this year. But I did finally get an elk on my own place!! 5X5 bull (just a raghorn by most elk standards) but he was my first and the first on our property as far as we know. Saw 12 total, 2 bulls, took the biggest of the two in his bed at 575 yds. Last fall (2012) I got a nice 20" wide whitetail 4X4. Not long range, snuck into his bedroom and shot him under 100 yds.
    Sorry, i don't know my way around on here real well other than posting. We are allowed to use lead bullets for target shoot, the law is basicly that we cant use lead on game that might not be recovered and might be fed upon by the California condor. I would be more than happy to do some long range shooting with a fellow member. We have a privately operated range here that has steel out to 550yards, but some friends of mine and i have our own target that we take out to some BLM ground that allows us to shoot all the way out to 1400 yards. We also do a lot of dove hunting, I have a German Short haired Pointer named Cope that loves to hunt, so whenever you are gonna head out here, pack up your rifles and shotguns and shoot me a pm and we will definatly make it happen. My name is Cameron Francis by the way.
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