Getting back into shape after heart surgery


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2017
Hey all, so I had heart surgery last week. Nothing crazy bad but I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter. So I had a catheter ablation surgery to hopefully fix the problem. Obviously not the best timing since archery season started last week here too. The doc was pretty good about letting me know that serious backcountry hunting was probably out of the question this year. I'll still get out and do some antelope hunting and maybe shoot a cow elk off somebody's haystack but that'll be about it for the fall.

So with all that said I have a bear hunt planned for MT in the spring and was wondering if anyone on here has experienced the type of surgery or something similar and if so any tips on bouncing back safely?
Old medical joke, the difference between minor surgery, and major surgery? Minor surgery is what happens to someone else.

Mostly orthopedic stuff for me, but I will say schedule regular time with a trainer. Don't know if such exist where you are, or if you qualify, but I'd ask if there are any cardiac rehabs available, and if your insurance covers it.

Spring is sooner than it looks.
Hey all, so I had heart surgery last week. Nothing crazy bad but I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter. So I had a catheter ablation surgery to hopefully fix the problem. Obviously not the best timing since archery season started last week here too. The doc was pretty good about letting me know that serious backcountry hunting was probably out of the question this year. I'll still get out and do some antelope hunting and maybe shoot a cow elk off somebody's haystack but that'll be about it for the fall.

So with all that said I have a bear hunt planned for MT in the spring and was wondering if anyone on here has experienced the type of surgery or something similar and if so any tips on bouncing back safely?

Had afib 3 years ago. Had 2 ablasions.(burn the top of the heart so electrical charge does notspread off the nerve accross the top) electric will not conduct through scar tissue. Missed a spot the first time and went back in a year later. I take no medication(blood thinners) and back to my old self 60 days. Not familiar with you procedure, but if it take you off of the thinners it is a win. Had more trouble thinking about it than recovering. I was 66 and 67 then.
I'm on the down side of recovery ..well I think so but the therapist is not agreeing with me .
I had open heart on June 28 , I'm back working and almost ready to pack an Elk out ! I'm 54 in excellent shape except for heart disease. So do what the dr. Recomends and do your therapy . You should come back just Fine !
Elkeater look me up in the Spring I just might be able to help you out ! I'm in Northwestern Montana !!
How do you stop heart disease? Is it just running and eating salads your whole life?
Well the Dr. Told me I will have this for ever and possibly have another heart attack . But I'm on meds to control it as much as possible .
If your my age or older and you can take a baby aspirin..start .
I'm on the bear low dose once a day until the end . I'm eating like I'm supposed to and I'm physical at work . And walk a lot.
I had no cholesterol problems, no high blood pressure and no family history of heart disease. They are telling me it was stress . Witch I agree , I have changed that as much as possible .
I'm still healing now .


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Elkeater look me up in the Spring I just might be able to help you out ! I'm in Northwestern Montana !!

Rum Man, will do.

So hopefully no offense is taken here but I'm about half most of you guys age (be thirty next year) so that gives me some hope that I can get back in shape for next spring. I take pretty good care of myself and this whole heart thing is kind of irritating me.

I'm on blood thinners for now but hopefully only for another couple months.

Now that It's been a week im cleared to go back to normal activity. I have walked two miles in 30 minutes the last two days. I can definitely tell I'll need to work back up to running 4 miles a day. I did shoot my AR today. My heart rate was annoying. Prior to surgery I had a resting heart rate of about 50 now it's like 80 and it's bouncing my crosshairs all over the place.
No Offense takin . I'm the youngest one in our therapy and they look at me like ..what are you doing here ?
Just do as the Dr. tells you and time frame also . I'm sure you should be on the road to tip top shape soon . Best of luck to you ! Keep us posted on your recovery. Paul
My heart rate before the ablasion was 150 at rest when in afib.

Omg...that's insane.

Elkeater, that's nuts man. I'm 30. I didnt think things like that happen to us at our age. I thought being in good shape and eating healthy does the trick. Maybe being young will help you bounce back quicker.
I called everyone of my friend and begged them to get a check up . It wasn't my best moment in life having a close call with the Grim Reaper...
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