Where to go in Colorado?


Feb 10, 2005
Pensacola, Florida
I'm going to Colorado for vacation from July 1st til the 15th. I thought I might as well take a rifle and try my luck at some prairie dog hunting. Anybody have any "honeyholes" they would like to share? Or even a good place to start would be nice. Thanks, Rudy.
Any "Open Space" in Boulder would be great, just make sure to keep the truck running and don't stay too long lest the Boulder Hippies descend upon you (just kidding, of course). I mainly blast them up in Wyoming, since the season in Colorado is a little limited. Check out the regulations at (http://wildlife.state.co.us/NR/rdonlyres/780A905D-8639-4EB1-BBA0-20BBE1F915A8/0/smallgame.pdf) and you will need to get a small game license. There is lots of public land in CO, but you need to get some maps to make sure where they are located. You could ask some ranchers, as many of them are only too happy to let you shoot those things.

I would call the DOW office in the area (from the website above) you will be staying, and ask them about possible places to shoot PDs on local ranches. That has worked for me in the past.

If you could be a little more specific on what part of the state you'll be in it might help a little.

If you make it up north i'd be more than happy to take you out with me.
Actually I'm going all over. The 3rd and 4th I'll be in the south eastern part at Lanthrop State park. July 5, 6, 7, and 8th I'll be in Mueller SP and 9th, 10, 11,12 th, I'll be in Ridgway SP in the western part of the state. I'm really flexible as far as time frame goes.
Any "Open Space" in Boulder would be great, just make sure to keep the truck running and don't stay too long lest the Boulder Hippies descend upon you (just kidding, of course). I mainly blast them up in Wyoming, since the season in Colorado is a little limited. Check out the regulations at (http://wildlife.state.co.us/NR/rdonlyres/780A905D-8639-4EB1-BBA0-20BBE1F915A8/0/smallgame.pdf) and you will need to get a small game license. There is lots of public land in CO, but you need to get some maps to make sure where they are located. You could ask some ranchers, as many of them are only too happy to let you shoot those things.

I would call the DOW office in the area (from the website above) you will be staying, and ask them about possible places to shoot PDs on local ranches. That has worked for me in the past.
Thanks for the info. I'll make that call this next week. "Boulder hippies"?? is that like PETA members? Down south here PETA stands for people eating tasty animals. :)
Take Hwy 14 west of Sterling and when it meets Hwy 71 south to Brush, try not to melt the barrel. I took that road a few years ago to kill time and have never seen so many varmints. There were at least 300 prarie dogs on that corner. You will be in a grasslands area, but I think it's OK to shoot. If not, it is so far out in the boondocks no one will hear you. I was sooooo sorry I hadn't brought along a gun. Good luck.
...gee I'd like to go too. I aint far from Lathrop. Maybe we could check out the Natl Grasslands as I havent met any ranchers yet. I do know one ranch near here that has hunt with permission signs up so maybe we could check that.
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