Strange wolf-like animal killed in Montana puzzles wildlife officials


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2013
Probably something Hammer Bullets created to keep the Californians from migrating up there.

Strange wolf-like animal killed in Montana puzzles wildlife officials

A rancher in Montana reported shooting a wild animal that has wildlife officials wondering what it was . (KXLO-Radio)

A large wolf-like animal shot and killed in Montana has wildlife officials and social media wondering what it was.

A rancher shot the gray-haired beast on May 16 when it ventured too close to his livestock in Denton. The rancher reported that he killed a wolf but wolf specialists looked at photos of the animal and doubted it was a purebred wolf, ABCFoxMontana reported.


"We have no idea what it was," Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks spokesman Bruce Auchly said. (Montana FWP)

"The canine teeth were too shot, the front paws too small and claws on the front paw were too long," Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks spokesman Bruce Auchly said in a news release Thursday.

"Nevertheless, social media was quick to pronounce the animal as everything from a wolf to a wolf hybrid to something mythical," he said.


This animal was killed May 16 when it came within several hundred yards of a rancher's livestock. (Montana FWP)

The Great Falls Tribune also reported that the animal shared many characteristics of a wolf but that its large ears, short legs and body and its fur stood it apart.

"We have no idea what this was until we get a DNA report back," Auchly told the paper. "It was near a rancher's place, it was shot, and our game wardens went to investigate. The whole animal was sent to our lab in Bozeman. That's the last I ever heard of it."


Montana wildlife officials said the front paws of the animal were too small to be a pure-bred wolf (Montana FWP)
this was a link in the labradingo story, and pretty much takes the cake for one of the dumbest animal stories of all time:
Bear mauls to death man who tried to take a selfie with the injured animal

A man who stopped by the side of the road to click a selfie with an injured bear paid with his life when the animal revived and mauled him to death, according to Indian media reports.

Prabhu Bhatara, who was returning from a wedding in Odisha, a state in eastern India, had exited his vehicle to go to the bathroom when he saw the animal and decided to take a photo with it.

According to the Hindustan Times, although his companions cautioned him against doing so, Bhatara decided to approach the bear. The animal then chased him and fatally mauled him.

"Bhatara died on the spot," forest ranger Dhanurjaya Mohapatra told the paper.

Meanwhile, the dead man's fellow passengers used their mobile phones to video the incident rather than trying to rescue him, the paper reported. A stray dog tried to fight with the bear but failed to save the man from the bear's grip, officials said.

According to India's Kalinga TV station, the victim's mutilated body was rescued from the bear after forest officials reached the spot and tranquilized the animal after the Wednesday evening incident. "The bear is being treated for its injuries," Mohapatra said.

Researchers have found India had the highest rate of deaths linked to selfies.
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Mysterious wolf-like creature killed in Montana ID'd through DNA test


Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) said this week that a mysterious animal that was shot in The Treasure State was a gray wolf. (Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks via AP, File)

The Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) revealed the identity of the mysterious wolf-like creature that was shot dead in the state last month. Officials confirmed in a news release Monday that DNA results proved the animal was a gray wolf.

"The lab compared the animal's DNA with thousands of other DNA samples from wolves, coyotes and dogs. The conclusion was clear – this animal is a gray wolf from the northern Rocky Mountains," the statement read.

Montana FWP officials initially weren't certain what the creature was when a rancher fatally shot it on his property.


The agency said an inspection of the animal at its laboratory "revealed a relatively normal looking, dark brown wolf."


FWP officials initially weren't certain what the creature was when a rancher shot it. ((Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks via AP, File)

Officials say the wolf weighed 84.5 pounds and was around 2 to 3 years old.

"The wolf was a non-lactating female, which means she didn't have a litter of pups," they explained, noting that "any unique physical features she has might also appear in her siblings or parents and may continue to be passed along by others in her family."

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service geneticist Mary Curtis says it's not unusual for there to be physical variations of animals within a species.
Around were we hunt unless it's Border Collie or Australian Shepard. It all tends to get shot.
On another note, when all this wolf crap was getting fired up in the late nineties, Domestically born wolf hybrids were being turned loose. Many were ending up in traps and snares.
This is Montana and when it comes to hybid animals one must recall the saying about Montana and the scarcity of females. "Montana where the men are men, the women scarce and the sheep are restless" Given this recent kill, maybe the sheep are also scarce.
This is Montana and when it comes to hybid animals one must recall the saying about Montana and the scarcity of females. "Montana where the men are men, the women scarce and the sheep are restless" Given this recent kill, maybe the sheep are also scarce.
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