Penetration? We got it!


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2012
Poolesville, MD
I killed a large bodied, but small racked deer in "the hood" yesterday.
His basket 6-pt rack looked kinda like one you'd see on an 18-30 month old deer.
But he was verging on huge... 175-lb weight on the hoof, and 145-lb field dressed.
That's a real big deer for these neighborhoods, where the only corn they get is from our feeders.
He was bigger than the 11-pointer I killed there several years ago.

So I guess I have to look at his teeth to see how old he is.

It just seems to me that a deer that big must be at least 3-1/2, and probably more like 4-5 years old.

He had no fat on him. Must have been dogging does and burning his fat stores.

I figure this was an old deer with a stunted rack, or one past his prime.

What do you think?

When I put him in the walk-in cooler his back foot was touching the ceiling and his neck and head were laying on the concrete.

Generally the nose of a big doe, 85 lb, will not quite touch the ground when her foot is on the ceiling.

What made this hunt kinda interesting was that this buck was facing me at 22 yards and visually busted me.
He was doing the head bob up and down and side to side.
I knew that in any second he would wheel around and be gone in two bounds.
When he brought his head back to center and lifted his head a little I put the arrow right under his chin and it went all the way down his neck, into the chest cavity and through the arteries at the top of his heart, stopping with just the fletchings showing under his chin.
A pretty difficult shot, but the Tac15 shoots like a laser and penetrates like a 375H&H.
He ran about 100 yards, stopped, wobbled, and fell over.

In the bed of the truck.

On the game cart... a 90-lb doe will completely fit on this cart.
I could not get the hams of this buck aboard by myself. :rolleyes:

Tenderloins! Heavier than the backstraps of the little doe I shot a week ago!


Here's a internet stock photo showing approximately the shot I had... but from a little bit higher an angle.
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