New Mexico Elk hunt 16B


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2011
New Mexico
Well tomorrow, I will be packing into the Gila wilderness for a DIY archery elk hunt. The hunt starts Tuesday so hopefully by the time I get back to the real world, I will have something positive to add to the forum! Gonna pack in 5-6 miles and hunt even further in. We have horses thank goodness.
Well tomorrow, I will be packing into the Gila wilderness for a DIY archery elk hunt. The hunt starts Tuesday so hopefully by the time I get back to the real world, I will have something positive to add to the forum! Gonna pack in 5-6 miles and hunt even further in. We have horses thank goodness.
Well tomorrow, I will be packing into the Gila wilderness for a DIY archery elk hunt. The hunt starts Tuesday so hopefully by the time I get back to the real world, I will have something positive to add to the forum! Gonna pack in 5-6 miles and hunt even further in. We have horses thank goodness.
hey there korhil how far in did you have to go to get away from hunters. I know its been a long time but if your here I'd love to chat with you.
Have you ever packed in from the Gila Cliff dwelling end southeast part of the wilderness? Do you think there are more animals in the northern section the borders 16A unit?
Water did you have any issues finding water? have you ever been to Mckenna park area? If so, what did you think of the area. if we draw, I think that is the area we will be hunting from.
Something I have been hearing a lot is the wilderness is really taken a hit these last 3-4 years with Bears destroying the calves and also wolf issues.
What is your take on that? what did, or do you think of the wilderness hunts in general? would like to hear what you have to say as a whole about unit16B in comparison to the other 16's Thanks for your reply and hope to hear back thanks again. mike73
lol I forgot your name and i have spoken with so many ppl that i can't remember my name half the time. Sorry If I don't go to my folder, I can't remember a thing.
lol don't blame you with some idiot that can't remember who he has spoken with and who he has not lol Don't blame you a bit and thanks again

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