Never Spoil your Bird Dog!

I wouldn't bother either way.
I've seen some really really messed up dogs that had their ears torn off by coyotes and coons. The people I got Reya from strongly encouraged it and I trusted her suggestion. I'm glad I did because Reya has never had any ear issues.
Axel on the other hand, was a little too old for any local vet to do the procedure and he's had ear infection problems multiple times in 3 years.
Makes the one procedure seem like a no brainer in hindsight. I wish I would have done his right away.
I've seen some really really messed up dogs that had their ears torn off by coyotes and coons. The people I got Reya from strongly encouraged it and I trusted her suggestion. I'm glad I did because Reya has never had any ear issues.
Axel on the other hand, was a little too old for any local vet to do the procedure and he's had ear infection problems multiple times in 3 years.
Makes the one procedure seem like a no brainer in hindsight. I wish I would have done his right away.
My Chesapeake gets ear infections now and then. The last 4 months I've spent over $1000.00 on operations on his ear for hematoma from shaking his head. I'm done with that.
My 3 problem children! Well, really great bird dogs enjoying a run near the TX Blue Bonnets. The goofy one in front is our pup that'll be 2 in July. The middle dog just turned 6 and he's an incredible bird dog. Last October he and the pup spent 4 weeks with me in my 4WD Sprinter camper van hunting ruffed grouse in northern MN, hunting pheasants & ducks in ND and finished our trip hunting pheasants in SD. My beautiful old girl with the gray face still loves to hunt at 13 years old. She lets the boys do all the work and loves to steal their retrieves. All of them are certified therapy dogs so we can take them into hospitals, nursing homes and even my old girl has been in the USMC wounded warrior unit at BAMC here in San Antonio.

Bird dogs only really work a month or 2 in the fall. They love visiting patients and it gives them a job for the rest of the year.

Their other job is being couch pups like tonight. We're all sitting together watching TV. They love the Murdoch Mysteries!

Dog is God spelled backwards and I'm sure he gave them to us as proof he wants us to be happy and have companions that love us like no other animal ever could.


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My 3 problem children! Well, really great bird dogs enjoying a run near the TX Blue Bonnets. The goofy one in front is our pup that'll be 2 in July. The middle dog just turned 6 and he's an incredible bird dog. Last October he and the pup spent 4 weeks with me in my 4WD Sprinter camper van hunting ruffed grouse in northern MN, hunting pheasants & ducks in ND and finished our trip hunting pheasants in SD. My beautiful old girl with the gray face still loves to hunt at 13 years old. She lets the boys do all the work and loves to steal their retrieves. All of them are certified therapy dogs so we can take them into hospitals, nursing homes and even my old girl has been in the USMC wounded warrior unit at BAMC here in San Antonio.

Bird dogs only really work a month or 2 in the fall. They love visiting patients and it gives them a job for the rest of the year.

Their other job is being couch pups like tonight. We're all sitting together watching TV. They love the Murdoch Mysteries!

Dog is God spelled backwards and I'm sure he gave them to us as proof he wants us to be happy and have companions that love us like no other animal ever could.
I love the old 13 yr. old girl! ❣️ my Chesapeake is 10 and graying all over but active as heck Beautiful dogs !
My puppy Cedar is definitely spoiled, she got a pup cup for her first birthday yesterday and the good job she did on her hunting training the day before.

I will admit as my first puppy and the first dog I've ever trained I was hesitant to jump right into the birds as I didn't want to accidentally ruin her due to my inexperience. Turns out I had nothing to worry about as she is absolutely crazy for birds and has no concerns about locating the scent, focusing on the bird, tracking them through cover and chasing them down through whatever obstacles they travel over.

Additionally she did a stellar job of retrieving the birds, when she was younger she would clamp down on bumpers, run past me then sometime do hot laps around the yard with them. She did exactly none of that and brought the birds right to me and would either hold them until I grabbed them or dropped them at my feet.

She has a couple more classes scheduled to work up to shooting over her but I have to admit I'm pretty proud of her and thoroughly looking forward to hunting with her next year.

Furry Frens !
Nice neighborhood with your own dinner coming right to your yard

We live between a railroad, a golf course and some cornfields and have a swale in our side yard that runs out the back of our yard
Not sure what changed around here but Whitetail Deer have decided it's the travel now I have to take dogs out on a leash at night or risk having them run off chasing deer

I'm ok with it though
Furry Frens !
Nice neighborhood with your own dinner coming right to your yard

We live between a railroad, a golf course and some cornfields and have a swale in our side yard that runs out the back of our yard
Not sure what changed around here but Whitetail Deer have decided it's the travel now I have to take dogs out on a leash at night or risk having them run off chasing deer

I'm ok with it though
I'm pretty sure that doe had cwd. She had no fear of dogs. Ears down. Ribs showing.
I threw he sliced apple and baby carrots. She gobbled up. Hers a close up of her body. God bless her poor soul.Screenshot_20240331_184404_Messages.jpg
Not a bird dog but he thinks he owns the house, bad thing is I got him from the pound as a companion for another dog that has died 16 months ago.

He has gone through some trauma too my Bear dog from years ago would get excited when you grabbed a gun, he was like we're going hunting right?

But Red will go and hide when you pull a gun out. I'm working on him slowly. It was so bad if I just pulled the air gun out he would run. I showed him with another dog it was ok, now I can at least blow off the dirt on him with the blow gun. Been trying to show him slowly that guns won't hurt him.