Experienced suppressor purchase question


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2016
West-central Minnesota
I bought a suppressor back in early February of 2019. My buddy went through the same company the month before. He received his suppressor a month ago. We were both given information for the date our paperwork was submitted in to ATF. Mine took almost a month and a half for them to even send it out! They told me my paperwork was sent on 3/22/19, I was emailed 4/4/19 saying it had been sent in March.

I recently called the ATF to see if the dealer had drug their feet to notify me that my stamp had shown up as it was a month between my buddy and I. I was told by the ATF person my approval went Pending May 28th of 2019! Over 2 months after they told me it was mailed.

The dealer we worked with was easy to use but once we signed and payed, it seemed like they took their time for both of us.
How long does it usually take to go pending once the info is mailed? I'm curious as it seems like I missed out on using my new suppressor for yotees by about 2 mos because the dealer was slow in getting their work done on time.
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Your paperwork goes to pending status as soon as the check is cashed. Depending on which examiner your paperwork ended up with it could depends on how long it takes to get approved. I've waited six months and I've waited a year as well. It's all up to the ATF gods on when your suppressor gets out of ATF jail.
The dealer cannot send your application in until it has the suppressor in hand, as it has to put the serial number on the application. Perhaps that caused delay? Also, there is no telling how long your application sat in a pile on a desk at ATF before they logged it in as "pending."
Hope you get your's soon , I too have been waiting 2 yrs as of 3/2/2018 . Seems dealer never responded to a question within the 30 days and I had to start over. Be sure you work with good dealer !!
I bought a suppressor back in early February of 2019. My buddy went through the same company the month before. He received his suppressor a month ago. We were both given information for the date our paperwork was submitted in to ATF. Mine took almost a month and a half for them to even send it out! They told me my paperwork was sent on 3/22/19, I was emailed 4/4/19 saying it had been sent in March.

I recently called the ATF to see if the dealer had drug their feet to notify me that my stamp had shown up as it was a month between my buddy and I. I was told by the ATF person my approval went Pending May 28th of 2019! Over 2 months after they told me it was mailed.

The dealer we worked with was easy to use but once we signed and payed, it seemed like they took their time for both of us.
How long does it usually take to go pending once the info is mailed? I'm curious as it seems like I missed out on using my new suppressor for yotees by about 2 mos because the dealer was slow in getting their work done on time.
Well, it's hard to say, but I'll tell you me and a buddy bought suppressors on the same day and handed in paperwork same day. I received mine 8 months before he received his. I dont know why, and ours were done with same company, Silencer Central and we called ATF and similar response. I think some ATF agents place new applications on top and other on the bottom. Have to get lucky I guess. I have two more I'm waiting on now that were put in before efile. Sucks because November will be a year and havent heard anything. My first suppressor took five months and my second one took eleven months.
At 75 I don't buy green bananas. I may not have time to wait while they ripen up.
People have been telling me to hurry up or wait all my life. I did, hurried, for them, and it got me no further than right here, same as iff I'd told 'em to go [fill in your favorite here].
omebody with nothing to lose needs to tell someone with everything to lose to start doing their job, or replace 'em. It doesn't require superhuman lifting ability; just look at the parameters, say "yes" or "no," pick up your danmed stamp, give it a whack and a signature, and put it in the mail. If that request takes a year, it's spending wa-aa-ay too much time NOT moving. Track it; audit its movements. We have an election coming up, and those who have an interest in the outcomes need to be politely made aware of your own serious interests in efficiency AND the size of your combined audiences who will be watching! Remember; these are not frivolous demands, but rather serious requests.
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As I have said before,can buy a gun in less than 5 minutes and it takes months or a year or more to get a suppressor which is nothing but a short head knocker without a gun so go figure

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