Customer service Frankfort arsenal


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2024
My large stainless Frankford arsenal tumbler crapped out. Called customer service for a possible warranty claim. I was within the 7 years awesome i thought. Sent them a short video and pictures and said no problem it's covered and we will send out a new motor unit in 7-10 days. 4 days later I get it and it's an entire new unit in the box with everything. Tub, media, all of it. I was just expecting a bottom motor. Now that's customer service. If you have ever been Leary of this company I wouldnt be. I wasn't expecting that at all. I will forever use there products. And there tumbler I feel is one of the better ones
I agree with you. I just received a FA Intellidropper from UPS tonight. I contacted them that my 3 year old Intellidropper failed. They stood behind it 100% and said they would send me out a new one in 7-10 days. 6 days and it was here, great company.

I did go through last night and set my new Intellidropper up. Calibrated and it is working very well. Compared charges every 10 grains from it to my Ohaus 10-10 and at 10-100grains it was dead on.
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I have the M Press I had it for several months and noticed a little play in the shell holder assembly. I contacted them and sent a video of what I was seeing, I was expecting them to say that was normal, but what they asked was for my address. What I received in the mail was a new M Press within a week. I have two and still use the original, I agree they have great customer service and I really like the Hand primer they offer, I will continue to do business with them.
I have had excellent customer service as well from FA. Cracked a cap, they sent me two. I expcected the big wet FART to let the magic smoke out after a year or two, but still rolling heavy loads after 3-4 years.

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