Canis Lupus 2 out of 3 is not bad ..when the hunter becomes the hunted


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2012
Hinton< Alberta< Canada
Canis Lupus 2 out of 3 is not bad

Got to my ground blind this morning and what do I see

Its a Black Bear ..and not bad size to boot (no Tag)

watching the Bear when a WT buck 6by7 show up (6 inches by 7 inches)

about 11 ish the Canis Lupus(Wolves) started howling about 1 1/2 away so I waited

when they howl again a different group in my valley 900 yds away

I give them a few Elk distress calls

3(doe n 2fawns) deer to my left run up hill and 2(doe n fawn) to my right

wait 20 minutes and Wham here they come on the trot

to my left 3 of them in a v at 35 yards

Bang ones down
..moved to vantage point that opens up shooting field

and there is one running ...slowing down.. and stopped ... shot gone

that's 2 where is the 3rd ..ahh smart took the left turn no shooting field

2 out of 3 is not bad

Fun fun fun






Couple Wolves Today (part Deux) Canis Lupus

Well Wolf tracks in mud on road first we saw

oh oh pack of Wolves tracks on road

time to do a set up for them I asked Bill

yep lets do this was his reply

set up on edge of mill cut

Elk distress called 4 times then a howl and another distress

Wham here they come

Black Wolf on the hill in front of us at 50yds

I lined up and missed fired you know how loud a miss fire sound is


Bullet out bullet back in a second

ready... another grey and black come over ridge

Bill calls the Black ... Boom down goes the Black one 1

The Gray to the right looks over at the Black and boom that's 2

then howled and got answers and chirped a couple distress calls

then the valley in front was a chorus of howls

at least 8 to 10 more right in front of us

no more bold Wolves

the dance was over

2 out of 3 is not bad

Wow what a week

Grizz sow and cubs on way home




My gun is a Rem 700 BDL 7mm Mag and my buds is a Browning BLR 7mm Mag

That's my forearm though and that is a International Game Fish Assoc .. World Record Holder patch .. and Feshwater Fishing Hall of Fame patch too ..I hold 7 current line class WR in fishing/Fly fishing and have held 10 .. one was a ice fishing Northern Pike WR from 1985 to 2006 at 32#5oz ... my favorite is my Brookie at 12#13oz and current 8# WR at the Hall of Fame

oh and by the way I shotgun) all 4 wolves ..Bill call Black and I shot it then the Grey


Nice. You guys are making me look bad ; ) I chased a pack around this weekend and the only shot I had was 1540. Not enough time to even get set up before it hit the ravine and trees.

That first wolf looks very big. Did you measure the skull by chance?
no not yet wait 60 days but I have a 2000 Wolf that took Alberta for that year at 17 5/8.. and yes to that first one being big ..I saw it in 2012 twice and counted a coup on it at 500 yds with my boy but let it go .. as I had shotgun) a Black from the pack already that year

Do they shrink much? Mine was wet at 16 9/12 (16 3/4 by normal folk measuring sticks). Biologist think it is big for Idaho.
yes they can shrink some and that is why the drying period

Alberta /Alaska/BC keep records not B&C

Your Wolves came from Here in Alberta so you could get a Big one good luck

with your calling them in. . just be careful as you will get all predators in area Grizz /Cougar/Black too

Summers are really hard on wolves here. Winter is good for them though. Biggest wolf in Idaho so far is around 17 3/4 I think. The state does not keep good records of any thing. They don't measure or weight any part of the animal. SCI is the only record of the animals if someone wants to submitt to them.
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