7-300WM only 30 or 32 Degree Shoulder "7-300WM-X"

Wild Monkey

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2017
Lets hear about the 7-300WM conversions. Does anyone stock the Body Forming die to do this in 30 or 32 Degree Shoulder? This seems like a far superior way than just using the 7RM Die Set. Thanks for allowing this post in the STW section!
7-300WM 32 Degree Shoulder.jpg
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I just went with straight 7mm-300 win mag way easier. But curious if you ever figured out what you are doing?
The location of the Neck are to lessen the chances of Donuts and Shoulder Angle is to decrease Brass Stretch. The combination of the two provide a Superior Cartridge. This should easily be accomplished with a Single Pass of the Sizing die. Knowing the 7-300WM has been done umpteen hundred ways I was hoping there were Dies already available. Otto Ackley's initial improved designs utilized the 32 Degree Shoulder Angle. Or maybe it's a total disaster and will never work. Either way I have a barrel here for one should I come across a Gunsmith who wants to Ream it on the Cheap.
Maybe call manson and have a reamer made and then you could have custom dies made but very close to the 7mm practical which has a 30 degree shoulder. Manson has reamers for that one and should be able to find dies. Check the 7mm practical out

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