zeiss rz800 and savage 308


Mar 30, 2013
I just bought a savage 308 bvss and I'm topping her off with a zeiss RZ800 5-25. I was originally leaning towards the RZ1000 but didn't want to have a 500 zero so opted for the RZ800. However I noticed on the Zeiss Ballistic Calc when I crank up the power on this scope my yardage decreases. Does anyone shoot a 308 with this scope and what power do you use on the scope for those 6-800 yard shots? Will this be a good setup?
I don't knopw about the z800, but I have a z600 that was mounted on my 308 and it worked great at it's max 9 power it was dead on for 600 yards. I never owned one with more power so I am not sure how that woud have affected my set-up, but I fear it would have presented the same problem. Perhaps you could reduce your power to get the drops to work out for you on the closer shots and then increase power and dial for the longer ones? My 308 shoots right at 2800 fps
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