Zeiss conquest on a 338 lapua


Jan 14, 2013
I was wondering I have a zeiss conquest 6.5-20 and was wondering with a 20 moa base will this hold up to the lapua recoil. I realize this is not probly the best scope for the job but it is what I have right now as I work on a fixed budget as a college kid. next I was wondering beens it only has 25 each way if I use a 20 I could run out of down but then again my zero will probly be 300-400 anyway so I wouldn't have any issues. Is this though correct? I believe this should run me out to around 1400 which is plenty till I get the cash worked up to buy a NF. Thanks in advance. Matt Allen
Mattallen, I would contact zeiss and ask this qestion. Depending on the weight of the rifle, you may be OK with the recoil. Have fun. Let us know how this combo works out.

Crusty Buck
The recoil should be minimal it weighs 15lb plus has a break

Recoil only part of the problem. Shock and vibration also increases with bullet energy. The Zeiss should be fine for at least 500 rounds. I recommend using quality mounts, and lapping the rings if they are not fully machined.

1,400 yds may be close to the theoretical maximum for that caliber and scope, but it may difficult to actually get that in practice. It will help if you are at a high elevation.

The problem is that the barrel can be installed crooked by 10 MOA or more, and barrel vibration can throw off your zero by 5 MOA or more from boresight. I see both routinely on production rifles. You could find your self short of adjustment at either 100 yds or 1,400 yds. In that case you could use Burris Signature rings to dial in the boresight alignment of the scope.
Its a full custom 338 done by RW Snyder so its not just and off the shelf savage 338 I just don't have the cash after this build to go out n spend 1500 -2000 on a nightforce.

I understand barrel vibrations increasing with bullet energy, but I do not understand barrels being installed 10 moa's off center. I thought most barrels are turned true to center. Having done some, but comparatively little machining, I know it is impossible to get all sway out of a piece of round stock. Is this the reason for the barrel being 10 moa off of center? By the way, what is Zeiss's warranty?

Crusty Buck
I don't know why the barrels are installed crooked. It's not that the barrels are bent. I measure the barrel alignment about 12" from the receiver. The barrels can't be bent that much. I know that I see this problem often (like about 20% of the time) with Remington, Savage and AR-15 receivers.

I strongly suspect that the problem lies with the receiver. Production rates have to be high to keep costs down. We shooters like to imagine rifle factories filled with state-of-the-art CNC machines, with robots moving parts from one machine to another. While I've actually seen that in the US HK factory, I don't think that's always the case. I think there's a lot of manual loading and unloading of parts in older machines. The machines are probably reconfigured frequently with different fixtures for each size receiver.

I think that during those processes fixtures get worn and/or out of alignment. That's where I think the receiver threads and face get cut crooked. Maybe the manufacturers
just don't take the time to do metrology when they change fixtures. Maybe they know that the guns will still shoot reasonably well even if the barrels aren't installed straight.

See this link for details on Zeiss' limited lifetime transferable warranty.
http://sportsoptics.zeiss.com/hunti.../service-and-repair.html#Warranty Information
Yepper. Face of the receiver not cut square to the bolt and then hence the threads arent square to the bolt either...and it dont take much thread "slop" to make it shoot WAY far right or left.
bruce_ventura and sully2,

We are a bit off the thread, but.......how much accuracy does a rifle lose in 500 yds or 1000 yds? Manufactures have to produce a product that the public will love, like, or at least tolerate. Can these inaccuracies be corrected with the optics?

Crusty Buck
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