zeiss conquest hd5 3-15x42 with lockable target turrets


Active Member
Feb 9, 2014
Rocky Mountain House, AB
just looking to see if any one has any experience with them. and if the turrets track well and if they are a good medium - long rang scope. i already have the same scope with the rapid z 800 and i dont like ballistic reticles,

I have the same question,but also looking at Swarovski Z5 3.5-18 x 44 BT-4W
Thanks, Wille
I have the 3-15×42 and it has tracked fine for me. You are limited to 18 moa elevation. Nice scope for $1000.
just looking to see if any one has any experience with them. and if the turrets track well and if they are a good medium - long rang scope. i already have the same scope with the rapid z 800 and i dont like ballistic reticles,


I did the same thing...got the ballistic reticle first then exchanged it for the lockable turret version.

I can't say much else...the scope is for a rifle that won't be finished until October/Novevber...I've played around with it some, the turrets seem to work great...good clicks and all that.

I wouldn't want it for much more than 11-1200 yards, and even that will require a pretty fast round...it only has 70 MOA of total adjustment...with my 280 Ackley and the zero stops removed, it should be good for sending the 160 grain Nosler Accubond to 1,100 yards...which is far enough for me.

The elevation is only limited if you use the zero stops...with the zero stops installed, you're limited to 16.5 above zero....you really don't have to use them though...it only has 70 MOA total, so you're gonna be zero'd at around half of that (35)...and from zero you have less than 2 full turns of up adjustment....getting lost in the turret should be pretty easy to avoid with that setup....it is 18 MOA per revolution without the zero stops.
I did the same thing...got the ballistic reticle first then exchanged it for the lockable turret version.

I can't say much else...the scope is for a rifle that won't be finished until October/Novevber...I've played around with it some, the turrets seem to work great...good clicks and all that.

have you had a chance to use the HD5 yet? I'm curious, as I've been saving up my pennies & have been thinking of getting the same scope 3-15 w/LTT
have you had a chance to use the HD5 yet? I'm curious, as I've been saving up my pennies & have been thinking of getting the same scope 3-15 w/LTT

I have used it some, about 3 days worth of shooting...from 100 to 600 yards so far...I have no complaints on the scope at all.

I did the tall target test on it...it tracks as advertised (.25 MOA per click) and returns to zero every time.
I own 4 HD5 and find them to be a great value. 3 are 3-15x42 and 1 is the 3-15x50. I really liked the old conquest line to which glass wise they are about the same. I have used the turrets several times and they track well. They do not compare to the NF though. The 50mm scope is supurb but it adds a lot of weight in comparison to the 42mm IMO if that's a consideration. I seriously considered the Z5 3-18x44 BT4W but its being almost double dissuaded me.

I just paid 845.00 for the most recent purchased from Red Hawk Rifles through GB and considering they cost half as much as the comparable NF and Swaro they are an excellent product.

Good luck and shoot straight.

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