I started taking my daughter for little walks when she was five. When she was three and four she would ride on my shoulders. At six, I bought her a pink daisy red ryder, and took her squirrel hunting. The squirrels were cutting hickory nuts real hard, and she was a great retriever. She loved it. We went every weekend. She also started sitting in a deer blind with me the same year. I would let her take her iPad so she wouldn't get to board. Now at seven, she's got her eye on a savage with the muddy girl stock on it, even though she's still to short to shoulder her BB gun correctly. My dad started me when I was real young, and it stuck real hard. I'm hoping to do the same with mine. Being a trucker, I see nothing but benefits to having a daughter that's not only skilled with a firearm, but is also not afraid to use it for whatever reason.