I asked the question everyone else beat it to death
Yup, that's stirring the pot...
but then thats why we are all here. If we all shot the same Caliber and had the same views and experiances this sight would have faded away. Thats what makes if fun, long after we are all gone people will, hopefully, still be sitting around campfires discussing all of this again.
Arguing gets old... believe it or not
The Judge rulled that their was consensual sex and that the 14 year old was aware of what was happening. However 49 and 14, the mother of the 14 year old when hearing the sentence had to be romoved from the court room as she kept yelling "this sucks" I dont blame her .........since her daughter committed suicide two years later. As for the judge and the teacher they should have been stung up that night. I dont know what its going to take to take back our country, I have a feeling that its pretty much gone and there is no turning back.......
Yeah, I found the story. The judge should at least resign. As for stringing the guy up, I don't know, I could make a better judgement if I had all the details. I've made my opinion known as far as forced/violent rape is concerned.
We have "Burning Man" gonig on in our area.................40,000 people that get to gether out on the plya and do what ever they want ..............you can't even imagine what goes on out there. I have never been out there but people who have say that your imagination cant comprehend the vile filth that goes on.
Those of us on this sight are a dying breed and our time enjoying what we love is almost over.
That sounds pretty sick... we may be a minority, but there are others growing up to fill our shoes.