Ya Can’t Prepare for Everything


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2013
Winchester, Wy.
No matter your skillset, no matter the preparation……sometimes 💩 happens!

While a cartridge and bullet has absolutely nothing to do with this adventure….it's a stark reminder of the validity of my "Signature Line" pertaining to cartridges/bullets! 😉 memtb

Like running the bolt to fast and jamming the bullet all the way in the case so powder gets all up in your chamber and makes sure you cant chamber another round! Yep thats me.😂🙋🏼‍♂️
I don't know if anyone else noticed this in the article, or maybe just me.

A lot of rounds fired "rapidly" from a semi-auto……with apparently no hits recorded. A semi-auto lends itself to the "spray and pray" attitude…..rather than "I may only get one shot off, I better make it count"!

But, that's just my take on firearms use in a high stress situation! To continue down this track…..research the estimated number of rounds fired vs the number of combatants killed in the Viet Nam War. You will be amazed! memtb
Things can go wrong on a hunt, but this hunt seemed to be doomed from the start. Horses just seem to dislike me. As a kid I learned this the hard way. I was launched into atmosphere, bitten, kicked, and scraped off the saddle by trees. Maybe it was the horses or maybe it was me.