Wyatts extended mag box only holds two, not three


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2004
I have a Stiller Predator 7mm STW and I am using a Rem 700 factory floor plate, magazine spring and steel magnum follower. I have a Wyatt's extended mag box that has the window cut out for use with Utramags. I'm using this setup in a McMillan A5 stock. The magazine will hold two rounds and will feed them just fine but it will not hold a third round. I previously was using an A2 stock and had the same problem. It seems like the tabs on the side of the follower hang up when pushed down farther into the mag box. Can I grind down those tabs or is there another solution?

I have a Stiller Predator 7mm STW and I am using a Rem 700 factory floor plate, magazine spring and steel magnum follower. I have a Wyatt's extended mag box that has the window cut out for use with Utramags. I'm using this setup in a McMillan A5 stock. The magazine will hold two rounds and will feed them just fine but it will not hold a third round. I previously was using an A2 stock and had the same problem. It seems like the tabs on the side of the follower hang up when pushed down farther into the mag box. Can I grind down those tabs or is there another solution?


Check out this link.
I don't have access to a mill but I have a dremel. I'll have to just take a little off at a time and hope I don't take off too much.
Kevin Wyatts' web site and book state that his magazines only hold two rounds with the bottom metal modified. Kevin says and I agree, one shell in the chamber and two in the magazine, who needs more in a hunting rifle.
Nat Lambeth
Kevin Wyatts' web site and book state that his magazines only hold two rounds with the bottom metal modified. Kevin says and I agree, one shell in the chamber and two in the magazine, who needs more in a hunting rifle.
Nat Lambeth

I agree with this. I also use Wyatts box with a short mag and only hold two. 3 rounds is plenty. If you need more maybe go to a good DBM.
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