Would you change mount?


Active Member
May 14, 2015
Hi! Bought a new big scope and it has alot of eye relief. I like DNZ Game reaper very much so ofcourse I order a mount for my new scope. As you can see on the picture I have to push the scope alot forward. I think its looking kind of odd, I get most of the scope weight frontside, meaning it doesnt rest well in the mount, speaking of balance. Should I get a extension picatinny rail with seperate rings instead?


  • DSC_0172.jpg
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Ok thank you for your reply. What is your reason for a change? is it for the looks or becouse the scope my flex in the mount? not being 100% stiff.
Ok thank you for your reply. What is your reason for a change? is it for the looks or becouse the scope my flex in the mount? not being 100% stiff.

Never ever make an adjustment in your shooting equipment to make it "look good". Even though you will find those who spend a lot of time making their gear look good, accurate shooting has nothing to do with fashion. If it looks ugly but shoots consistently well, leave it alone.
In your situation, the cantilevered objective bell portion of the scope (IMO) hangs too far beyond the fulcrum created by the front ring. That means it takes less force on the extended bell of the scope to torque the tube when the front portion of the scope meets an immoveable object.
In your situation, the cantilevered objective bell portion of the scope (IMO) hangs too far beyond the fulcrum created by the front ring. That means it takes less force on the extended bell of the scope to torque the tube when the front portion of the scope meets an immoveable object.

That, and it looks like Dolly Parton as is... :)
I agree, but sometimes something can look odd but still work. Just wasnt sure what you ment. Now I do, thank you for great advice, really learned something here.

I've temporary moved the scope back so it rests more on the front ring. I actually might been hasty on the eye relief when I mount it at first. Will probebly buy a rail and rings anyway, later.
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