Witt Machine Muzzle Brake


Nov 11, 2009
Very curious to hear if anyone has tried or heard if these work as advertised? I would be interested in the clamp on model. At 85$. Thanks in advance!
A few think jump to mind looking at this brake. We fit a lot of brakes so this all come from personal experience and not just parroting info read elsewhere.
With a universal design I suspect the exit hole is going to be way oversize to prevent bullet strikes. This hurts efficiency.
No way to get the exit hole dialed in on the bore like a brake threaded and fitted by an experienced accuracy smith.
A clamp on is going to mark up the end of the barrel pretty good.
A clamp on tight enough to stay in place is going to constrict the bore. That may or may not affect point of impact.

Thank you for the great information. I did not think of the bore constriction as an issue when I posted. Glad that you mentioned it as I think that would be a major negative. Will have one done by a pro and save myself the headaches!:D
Rafterdude....I just bought one and put it on my 300wm...was needing something cause the recoil was beating me up for load data development.

It works great and plan to order another one...I figured if it didnt work I would eat the 85 bucks...a lot cheaper then other routes and clamp ons. It only took about 2 weeks for it to come after I ordered.

Here are some pics of what I put on and then the group I shot after installing it. Accubond 200 grain with 76grains H1000, coal, 3.46, F215m...

Very nice group! Looks great also. I was thinking the same thing about the cost. At this point I am not sure what to do. :rolleyes:
Considering a CSR brake precision installed runs $160. Perfectly aligned to the path of the bullet and sized exactly .020" over bullet size. Looks like part of the barrel and super efficient.

It looks well made. If it was threaded and put on right I wouldn't have any opinion at all about it. To me a clamp on looks as classy as a slip on recoil pad on a fine piece of walnut.

I have just found when it comes to rifles their is nothing more expensive than trying to save a buck.
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