Winner Chosen - next Drawing is April 20th for Panasonic Digital Cameras


Official LRH Sponsor
Dec 3, 2007
Old Bethpage NY
Winner Chosen - Next Drawing is for a Panasonic G1 Digital Camera and there will also be 5 runner ups that will win a Panasonic LZ8 Digital Camera

The Pentax drawing has ended. Congratulations to our winner Chip M. of Snipershide winner of the Pentax 8x43 DCF ED Binocular

As an extra added bonus we pulled a few extra names. These runner ups have each won a Pentax Papilio 6.5x21 Binocular

Congratulations to the runner ups:

Samuel C. of Accurate Reloading
Amy E. of
Gary M. of The Texad Predator Posse
Jerri P. of Monster Muleys
Denise B. of
Nikki H. of The Arizona

Our next drawing for the Panasonic G1 Digital Camera + the runner ups prizes of a Panasonic LZ8 Digital Camera will be on April 20th.

Please go to our website, and enter. Past entries will not be in this drawing. To keep the drawing available to those that continue to have an interest, each contest winner will be drawn from entries for that contest period.

Are you our next winner?

What are you waiting for? Just go and sign up. There is no purchase required and we are not selling your info to anyone.

Congratulations to our latest winners.
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