Winchester aftermarket stock sizing? How to find the right aftermarket rig.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2014
I bought a model 70 featherweight that I am doing a build on. The feTherweight was a .243. It uses a WSM action, so it is longer than a standard short action.

It appears to measure about 7.03" from screw to screw, but does anyone have experience with building on these?

Am I going to have to re-inlet for the bottom metAl if I find one with the right screw spacing? Or did Winchester use standard short action bottom metal? AND, does my magazine well metal fit inside a standard SA stock?

Any experience here will save me time and $$!
I put a b&c on a plastic black shadow blind mag 7 wsm rifle with help from stockys stocks I had to buy a 1pc bottom metal to make it work at the time but it looks like there may be more options now and they have the bottom metal for about $70 less then I spent if you do need it
Both HS precision and B&C made stocks for winchester in the coyote and varmit variants of the model 70. The famed sharpshooter used a McMillian and boyds makes some of the thumbhole laminates used today. If you cannot find something from one of those mfg's you can try here for a factory laminate
They have a very extensive supply for the model 70 at very reasonable prices
The first thing I did was call Stocky's. They said that the only thing they carry to fit the single piece bottom metal AND have a varmint barrel channel is a Macmillan A3 or A5. And frankly I am just not interested in the Macmillan for this build.

Thanks, that answers my question if the bottom metal had the same hole spacing, so if you converted from two piece to a one piece, then they are the same.

And thanks for the link to that site, they do have some good prices!
after a little more searching , I found an adapter for the b&c to be able to use the two pc floor plate it is a spacer as the 1 pc inlet is deeper it is $ 12.00, the one I did was blind mag so I had to buy a floor plate anyway & this was during the Winchester out of business times , stockys still lists the B&C coyote stocks for a .90 barrel channel at forend sku #7200-2972 but they all say backorder not sure if by that they mean no longer available I hope not because that was going to be the one I used if I go heavier when I have a new barrel installed
I have had a few issues this time around. This is my first build on a Winchester action. I have not found a hard time getting replacement parts, but there is almost nothing tactical. Not that I have to look like a marine sniper when I'm shooting deer, but I do like the way the M40 stock I have feels and I think I would like something with a vertical grip.
The varmint thumbhole from boyds has very good ergonomics with very good hand position as compared to a vertical grip tac stock
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