win 94 30-30 value???????

30-06 boy

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2005
south central pa
i was given a win 94 top eject made in 1981 that has had only a few cartriges down the is in pretty good has one small scratch on the stock.since winchester is out of biss whats this thing worth?dont want to sell just curious as to what its worth?
Not to be a smart *** or anything, but it is only worth what someone will give you. I would guess around $200-250 tops. Winchester 30-30s aren't really collectable unless they are older. I was under the impression that Model 94s and some clones were still around, just the M70 was gone. Maybe I'm wrong on that though.
The 94 and the 70 are both gone, as far as any replicas I dont know. We sold all of our 94's in about 3 weeks, the high grades and std editions. I know of a guy we sold several too and he turned around and sold them for anywhere from 400-600 bucks on the internet.

If I was gonna tell you what to do I would say either sell it now and make a decent profit on it, or hold on to her for several years and make nice money on it, or the craze could die out and it would only be worth standard value. then again you could hang on to it forever and own a piece of history with the gun that won the west!!!

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