Will 168gr SMK bullets stabilize?

Varmint Hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2001
Long Island, New York
I have a 7STW with a 26' Hart 10" twist bbl. Rifle shoots .60" @ 200yds with 140gr bullets at full throttle.
When I spoke to the guys at Hornady about shooting their 162gr A-MAX bullet from my 10" twist barrel, they told me the bullet would NOT be stable past 100yds. I certainly don't need an A-Max to shoot less then 100yds!
Would the 168gr SMK bullet remain stable at loong rang if fired from a 10" twist barrel??

All my 7mms have been 9 twist and I know for sure they will shoot the 168 Gr bullets very well.

To make a comparison here, the 264 factory rifles I have had, have 9 and 10 twist barrels (for whatever reason).
They shoot bullets up to 129 Gr. very well. After that weight, the accuracy falls off terrible. An 8 twist is the normal twist for use of the 140 to 155 gr 264 bullets.

It works the same with your 7mm. Most 7mm LR rifles are 9 to 9.25 twist or should be to stabilize the heavier bullets. I believe Hornady is correct.


[ 03-03-2002: Message edited by: Darryl Cassel ]
I was confident in the opinion about the A-MAX from the Good Ol' Boys @ Hornady, but was just curious if the 168 SMK might have been short enough to stabilize even if the A-MAX was not.
Was hoping someone else here might have experimented with the .284, 10" twist.
From your response, I gather that you feel that the SMK would not work.
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