Which scope?


New Member
Sep 17, 2014
I have a custom Remington Model 700 in .225 Winchester. I need to get a scope for it. I was thinking about a Weaver 6-24x42 Classic V-Series Ballistic-X or a Vortex Viper HS 6-24x50 Dead-Hold BDC. Which one would be the best? I will mostly be using this rifle for target shooting and varmint hunting. The Vortex is the max I can go and that would have to go on layaway. I would really like to have a good 6-24 scope. $500-600 would be my limit. Any opinions on these 2? Also open to other suggestions. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks
Check Quality optics and accessories from Leupold, Bushnell, Burris, Nikon and more!

It's a good resource from swfa and they have a number of used optics that are in store samples. They have a rating system like A B or C but I bought a B scope from them at a significant savings and it looked brand new to me. The only thing was the battery for the illumination was a bit weak. Replaced it... and never looked back.

They have pretty much every manufacturer represented and their inventory changes fast... So if you see a scope you want... I'd grab it quick cause when another person grabs it... It's gone.

I bought a Vortex pst ffp 6.5-24x50 mrad and I've been very pleased with it. Saved about $200.
I have no problem buying used scopes that have a lifetime warranty. There is a 6.5 x 20 leupold on the classified adds right now for that price range.
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