Which scope mounting system is in this picture?

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
I have a fellow from Canada who is buying a Huskemaw scope from me. He wants some help in obtaining 30mm rings for his Colt Sauer rifle.

Here is a picture of what he has now...currently 1 inch rings. What can I send him that will be compatible with his rifle's base?

That is a dovetail set-up like Leupold or Redfield, and someone either took some time in machining down one of those sets to match the contour of the Colt or had them custom made. Either way, it's a safe bet that a pair of 30mm dovetail rings from Leupold or Redfield will mate up to those bases. Good luck.

Good catch I was thinking that as I was scrolling down the blog.
Vote for your selection for sure. Conetrol Scope Mounts

Conetrol Scope Mounts - rings ?

They do make Horizontally Split Rings
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Good catch I was thinking that as I was scrolling down the blog.
Vote for your selection for sure. Conetrol Scope Mounts

I don't think so, Conetrol rings are 'projectionless', at least the ones I've seen/used. they have hidden dovetails in the top of the ring and the rings have 3 pieces. The ones in the picture are 2 piece rings.

Those Colt Sauer bases are Redfield high polish with leupold rings .
You might have to replace the windage screws on the base.
Look in the old Gun Digest books for more information.

Try Burris rings.

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