which of the two scopes


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
I am kind of in a deliema, I have a rifle being built (wainting on stock) that is going to be used to a coyote calling rig, and 1000 yard plinkster. I have 2 scopes on hand. One is a Leupold VX3 4.5-14x40mmAO with M1's on it with 1'' tube. The other scope is a Vortex Viper HS 4-14x44mm 30mm tube with side focus. The gun is a 6-284 shooting 105gr bullets. Any suggestions will be great. My thoughts on the Viper is get a load worked and put their custom turret on it. But i sure love my Leupolds (havent used the Vortex yet, still new to me).
Interestingly, I have them both as well but my Leupy is the AO target model with high turrets and more high end magnification.

If it's a bench scenario, the AO is fine (thats what my Leupy is doing duty as, as a bench scope). The AO is a PITA to crank in the field whereas the side focus/parallelax is a much more convienient setup for in the field.

BTW, the Vortex Viper(s) I have appear to me to be just as good in light gathering and image quality as the Leupy VX3 and the Mark 4 LRT.

I say 'appear to me' because to others that may or may not be the case.....
I's just use the Vortex and be done with it. Most scope makers are getting away from 1.00 tubes today. You will see a progression toward 35 mm from the present 30 as well. Bigger the tube, the better light transmission quality and extended elevation properties the scope has.

Be sure to lap the ring set (whatever brand it is) and align them parallel to the rail/mount.
Oddly, I thought the same and I thought life would end without having a Zeiss and then I bought a Vortex....:D

T'was a weak moment however.....:rolleyes:
Iwould stick with the leupold.It will work fine for what you are doing,just put a range card on scope. I use a rubber band on mine or 2 small zip ties.You already have good turret.I favor more power for varmint and target plinking
i would love to be up in the 20X on the high end but i cant find anything reasonably priced that will get me 20x and not lose my low end magnification for quick shots
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