Hey dave,
Dale Barrett here from lexington ky. I've done a lot of grouse hunting in the northern section of the Daniel Boone. If your not familiar with the terrain, it's very steep,high country, for kentucky anyway. I'd suggest a good pair of boots with really good traction. If you do come down for opening day, expect to see a lot of orange. most of the people that hunt there are lazy & don't get to far off of the main roads. If your not afraid to travel over a few mountains you can bury yourself pretty deep in the woods. If you do kill a bruiser in deep you've got your work cut out for you. Also be aware, that part of the state was hit hard by an ice storm in 02, & left a lot of treetops on the ground, making some areas virtually impossible to walk through. You may want to bring along a good chainsaw just in case. As far as the deer movement goes here, it's that time when you see deer at unexpected times. Last year I shot my buck at 1:30 in the afternoon, with nose to the ground, running hard. Our hard pre-rut activity really starts picking up around the first week in november. Thats when the nocturnal big boys start showing up in daylight hours & when you see the most buck movement. usually by opening day of gun season were in full swing, & a lot of the big boys get holed up with a doe & dissapear for about a week, then as the rut tapers off, they get on the move again. hope this helps & most of all, GOOD LUCK!