What will a 270Win 150Gr kill at 500?


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2012
AustRaliA - ViCtoRiA B_dale
What will a 270Win 150Gr kill at 500?
I use both the 150gr SST and the 150gr Berger VLD hunting, any one hunt or shot varmints with them, now I know it's ALL ABOUT SHOT PLACEMENT
Just my personal preference but I'd keep it deer-size and thin/light skinned game, i.e. Montana muleys and whiteys.


I tend to differ a little bit as the range is limited to 500 yds. IF the 150 class bullet out of the 270 can be at least 2900 FPS AND the shot can be properly placed, I'd move the selection up to elk or moose.

Beyond 500 yards I'd certainly limit it to Montana muleys and whiteys.

Not to argue, just my opinion.:)

I tend to differ a little bit as the range is limited to 500 yds. IF the 150 class bullet out of the 270 can be at least 2900 FPS AND the shot can be properly placed, I'd move the selection up to elk or moose.

Beyond 500 yards I'd certainly limit it to Montana muleys and whiteys.

Not to argue, just my opinion.:)

I fully understand, that's why I started with "just my personal preference" lightbulb:rolleyes::D:cool:gun)

I prefer 165/175 (currently pushing them at 2981/2919 FPS respectively while fire-forming brass to AI) Matrix VLDs off my .270 AI for your comment above. :)

BTW, thanks for your .270 Win post, I will certainly try the 7828 SSC after hunting season.

I've shot lots of marmots out as far as 750 yards with the lowly 135 gr. Sierra MK. The 150's, with their higher BC would be even better.

Let me answer your question another way; what can't the .270 kill at 500 yards with 150 gr bullets?
Answer; nothing in the lower 48.
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