What size gongs for 400-600?


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2012
What size gongs do you all like for ranges from 400-600 yards? Also do you like 3/8 ar500 or 1/2inch thick? Thanks!
I have one of these and just hit the center of it with different size circles (depending on yardage) of neon orange spray paint for an aiming point. 1/2" thickness.
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1 inch gong is all you'll ever need, cause you're just that good!! Jk, I use a 12 inch gong. With the same the same strategy as Deputy, paint an aiming point in the middle and if you miss by a bit you'll still see it on the gong and know where you missed.
1 inch gong is all you'll ever need, cause you're just that good!! Jk, I use a 12 inch gong. With the same the same strategy as Deputy, paint an aiming point in the middle and if you miss by a bit you'll still see it on the gong and know where you missed.
What thickness do you use? 3/8 or 1/2
FWIW I had 3/8 at 500 with my 6.5 cm 2,800 muz vel. Made slight dents ( deformities) on my plate when my impacts were closer toward the edges. No dimples tho.
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