what powder scale to buy


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
I am going through my shop and up gradeing one piece of equipment at a time. I am looking for a good powder scale to buy that will not brake the bank. Is it better to buy a digital one or a mechanical?
From a practical standpoint, the RCBS ChargeMaster Combo is the choice. It eliminates both a mechanical scale and a mechanical powder measure. However, its 300+ price tag may be prohibitive. Here's a nice discussion:

RCBS's ChargeMaster. - 24hourcampfire

The ChargeMaster's process can be accelerated by manually adding powder to the pan while it is discharging.

The better mechanical scales are made by Ohaus and are marketed by Dillon and RCBS (502, 505 and 10-10). Redding's scale is also excellent. The 505 scale, which is featured in RCBS's RC kit, is three-poise; all of the others mentioned are two-poise. Some like complexity, others simplicity.
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I have the PACT dispenser and scale combo. I got it used for $125. I've also seen them used a couple more times for about the same price.

Usually, you will get other electric and manual scales and combos from people upgrading to the Chargemaster.:D

If you ever plan to go to the electric combo, I'd recommend biting the bullet and going straight for the RCBS. Spend once, cry once.
If you're a long term thinker and like to spend money only once and have something that will serve all purposes present and future the digital scale with the charge thrower is the way to go.

My teeth gritted a bit when I cushed out the cash for an RCBS Chargemaster but now a couple of years later, I have no regrets whatever.
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