what moa base?


Jul 10, 2011
Caldwell idaho
Hey guys....
I have recently bought a sendero 300 rum to build a long rang hunting machine. Iam looking into getting a viper pst 6-24x50 scope. I would like to have adjustment out to 1200 yards. But still like to have it zeroed at 250... is this possible with this scope? As it has 65 moa of adjustment. Would i possibly need a base with moa compansation? If so how much and keep in mind this rifle will be a 338 edge one day and will like to shoot further. If you guys could share some info with me as Iam new to this moa stuff it would greatly appreciated.

Express kill
A zero base would certainly work. If you plan to change the scope, caliber combination in the future, I suggest going with the 20 moa base as it would add more flexibility.
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