What MOA base to use?


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2008
Las Cruces, NM
I just bought a 700 P in 338 Lapua and plan to shoot it out to 1000 or a little farther. I have a Leupy LR scope with 125 MOA of adjustment. Should I go with the 20, 25, or 40 MOA mount? I would like to be able to shoot close range with it also.

Also, I am setting up my 700PSS in 308 for medium range. I will keep it under 750 yards, so I am thinking the 20 MOA base for it. It will have a scope with ~65 MOA of adjustment. Will this setup work?
Sounds like a interesting set up
What scope did you get that has 125 moa of adjustment?
I prefer the seeking rings and bases
Nice solid set up for me with my 7mm rem mag and a Leupold VX3
Well if thats true then a 40 moa base would be the best bet. you would need more then 55 to not get a 100 yard zero. You should be plenty safe.
well if thats true then a 40 moa base would be the best bet. You would need more then 55 to not get a 100 yard zero. You should be plenty safe.

+1 yes!

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I put together a sendeo with Leupold vx3 6.5-20x50 with seekins rings and a 20 moa base.
Its a 7mm remington mag.
With a 200 yard zero I am 12 moa from the bottom of the scope
My scope has 94 moa of travel I need 32 moa to get to 1000 yards
soI have 50 moa left over
hope this helps you decide what to do
I would think you would be fine with a 20 moa base
just my 2 cents
I put together a sendeo with Leupold vx3 6.5-20x50 with seekins rings and a 20 moa base.
Its a 7mm remington mag.
With a 200 yard zero I am 12 moa from the bottom of the scope
My scope has 94 moa of travel I need 32 moa to get to 1000 yards
soI have 50 moa left over
hope this helps you decide what to do
I would think you would be fine with a 20 moa base
just my 2 cents

Those must be some really really high rings. You should have at least 20 moa up left after your 100 yard zero in the scope. Meaning thats moa you will never use. Its not good to run you travel all the way to the end but him having 31 more travel then yours its much better to have a 30 or 40 moa base because when shooting longer range the scope is gonna be much more centered for the left and right travel.
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well dont really rember the exact height of the rings but its not very high.

really dont think I could use any shorter rings
I have exactly 12Moa from my 200 yard zero to the bottom of the scope
Not sure why you would use a 100 yard zero. But Im not a expert Im farely new to this stuf.
I'm quite new to long range and turret twisting, could one of y'all please explain why you would need MOA bases on a scope with 125 or even 94 MOA internal adjustment? On a slow .338 Lapua I'm thinking you only need about 28 MOA at 1000 yards, why wouldn't a flat base work, what I'm I not seeing?

I have a 300 RUM that I put a 20 MOA base under a Sightron scope with 100 MOA internal adjustment, only because it seemed everyone was using 20 MOA bases, but now I'm thinking I could have gone with a flat base. What would be the reason I couldn't?
well dont really rember the exact height of the rings but its not very high.

really dont think I could use any shorter rings
I have exactly 12Moa from my 200 yard zero to the bottom of the scope
Not sure why you would use a 100 yard zero. But Im not a expert Im farely new to this stuf.

Im saying your case is not normal. You should have a lot left in the bottom of your scope so something is off. Which is not a bad thing if your not running out of travel. So there is nothing for you to worry about. But if you have the extra adjustment why not take advantage of it? I use a 100 yard zero because that what i run when i do a table in my BC programs. Yes its not a problem to use a 200 or even a 300 yard zero but this program bases everything off 100 so thats what i use.

I'm quite new to long range and turret twisting, could one of y'all please explain why you would need MOA bases on a scope with 125 or even 94 MOA internal adjustment? On a slow .338 Lapua I'm thinking you only need about 28 MOA at 1000 yards, why wouldn't a flat base work, what I'm I not seeing?

I have a 300 RUM that I put a 20 MOA base under a Sightron scope with 100 MOA internal adjustment, only because it seemed everyone was using 20 MOA bases, but now I'm thinking I could have gone with a flat base. What would be the reason I couldn't?

Like i said earlier it depends on how far you plain on shooting it. If you are shooting long range get the higher moa base and then you scope is in the middle of its up and down travel when you are shooting at the further distances. If you have it available why not use it. That 300 rum you have is a capable 1500 yard gun. With a 20 you would be able to get on at that distance with a 0 you would be cutting it close.

You could put a 0 on it but it limits your travel. Again if its there why not be ready to use it? The best base for that scope would be either a 30 or a 40. In my 5.5-22X56 NXS i use a 40 moa base with high rings . It has 105 moa of travel and i have less then 7 left in the scope. Its kinda like a zero stop and thats why i use it. I dont have to worry about what turn i was on. I simply turn it to the bottom and back up to zero and i know im there.
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