There is no tyoe of hunting I enjoy more than long range. The trouble is most areas of the country has terrain and foilage that is quite different, thus requiring different techniques or style of hunting. It requires an open mind and understanding of these practices.
The mountains and thick trees in the mountains of Pa. are quite different from the areas hunted in Wyoming verses Texas. It is my belief if we understand thar and keep an open mind of this ALL will get along much easier.
It is with great disapointment I have seen some very experienced and knowledgable hunters come and go over the years. Sometimes it is best to wait, listen, and digest what is expressed rather to interject our opinion or techniques used. We must keep in mind the different terrains we enjoy our sport in.
We are blessed with one of the most informative sites on the net concerning most aspects of our sport. It seems quite imparitive to preserve this. It is my sincere desire that long timers and newbies alike will be open minded and susceptive of eaches imput. If everyone would treat each individual we come in contact with daily as we would like to be treated the world as we know it would change overnight.
I would like to discuss these techniques from around the country in a susceptive manner. I have enjoyed this sight for many years and hope to for many years to come.
Just a few thoughts. To all have an enjoyable and safe hunting season. Just sitting back now and digesting what is posted.