What focal plane?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2010
I am also looking at the ET4350 Bushnell and it's reticle is on the 2nd focal plane. What is the diff. between 1st and 2nd plane as far as power setting is concerned and how is the mil-dot effected? Thx in advance.


Never mind, got it!!!
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first focal means your reticle stays the same size in relation to your target no matter what power, so your dot is a mil on 3x or 50x or any other power. a second focal plane your reticle gets bigger and smaller in relation to your target depending on what power. usually a mil dot or any other advertised reticle measurement is true on the highest power and when turned down gets bigger. does that make sence?
So, what's the advantage for each?
Is there? Or is it a preference sorta thing?

The first focal plane...with reticles that can be used for rangefinding...can be used to range objects using the scope set at any power. The size of the reticle changes with the magnification...keeping the ranging marks and distances in a constant relationship to the magnification.. Second focal plane scope with rangefinding reticles are designed to range at a certain magnification setting...as prescribed by the manufacturer such as 10x or 22x. The rangefinding marking do not change the size in relation to the magnification...and thus don't always have a constant, equal, relationship with the magnification. Trying to describe it....but perhaps I've made things fuzzy? For most of my life...we've always had second focal plane scopes...it seems that the europeans have used first focal plane.......now we're finding more first focal plane options.

It all depends on what you want to use the scope for....and if you plan on ranging with the reticle or a laser rangefinder. And I do think it is a personal preference situation. I've ventured into my first...first focal plane scope...and it will take some getting use to.

Good Luck,

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Thanks Sendero!

no you helped, and I found more answers in this great forum too. seems I have a couple FFP scopes already, I just didn't know what I was looking at. So, I am used to them already as it turns out.

I found the scope I like, the Vortex Viper pst. right features, right price for me!

The PST sounds like a really nice choice...from what I've read and reports that guys post....I also like how Vortex is comitted to their customers.


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