I can only answer to what I believe will happen which at this point is only proposals. My belief is based on the what I see happening from day to day.
What is going to be banned? Nothing! What you saw 2 weeks ago as proposals, and executive orders to band this or that has been trimmed back considerably, so much so that the executive orders we all heard about are little more than symbolic at this point, after cummo's stunt in NY, and the way we've all stood up and hollered "HELL NO!!!!" I feel pretty strongly that we've turned the tide. Now I firmly believe now is the time that we need to turn it on all the way, not relax but to keep the pressure on and increasing, so that the real changes that need to be made are made, that we send a message to those that would conspire to attack the principals that what our country and our national values are based will be stopped and not tolerated