What brand 6.5x284 seating die for VLD bullets?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2004
I have a set of Hornady 6.5x284 dies but the seater plug isn't tapered enough for the 130 gr VLD's I'm loading. It is mushrooming the tip of the bullet. Which other brands of seating dies work with VLD bullets in the 6.5x284?
I have messed with Lee, RCBS and Hornady dies. I put the micrometer seating stem on the Hornady dies, put rounds in a concentricity tool, etc and always chased accurate handloads.

For my 6.5-284, the builder recommended the Redding Type S Match die set which came with the competition seating die. It is a very consistent seating die. I will never buy anything but Redding match dies from now on. IMHO they are the best I have used.

I use Lapua brass and 140 grain Berger VLDs for my 6.5-284.
I'm sold on the forster ultra micrometer dies. Was a bit nervous initially that I'd be wasting money, but after buying one for my 308, I didn't hesitate to toss Down the cash for the second one for my 300 wm. Reduced my groups dramatically... That and the lee collet neck dies... Which are freaking cheap and an amazing value for what they do.

Here's my last groups with my 308 out to 200 yards shooting 168gr vld hunting bullets. The flyer is my bad. I was so excited about the preceding 5 shots that my heart was moving my reticle all over the place. Bad form on me!

Anyways... Here's what Lee collet neck dies paired with forster ultra micro seaters are capable of with VLDs.
And if you are into long range ... Here's the same configuration out to 600 yards. My first attempt at long range shooting. I suspect with practice... I could tighten that up... Or at least I hope to!! :D

Oh and yes... As you can see... My obligatory flyer! ****!
face it, there's no better seater than the Forster unless you use something like a Wilson inline die. Believe me, I've tried too many others in the past.

The Forster seater can be made better with a little work. If you have a custom chamber, then use the reamer to create a better seater. The seater plugs often need a tweak when using high B.C. bullets.

My first use of the Forster seater came by accident. I was shooting a custom barreled T/C in .222 Rem. N.M. with a .246 chambered neck. Brother loaned me an RCBS die set, and was shooting M.O.A. at one hundred yards. I wanted something better as I planned on shooting crows out to 250 yards. Ferris Pindell traded a home built .222 in line die he had that was a near exact fit to my chamber. Boom! I was well into the .65" five shot range at 100 yards with zero load development. While this was going on I picked up a new Forster die set at a gun show. Fred Sinclair sent me a micrometer head, and the experiment was on. I soon found the Forster seated bullets very accurately, and with little run out. The difference was about two tenths. I later got the T/C into the mid to high fives with a 50 grain bullet over XMR2015BR and BLC2. Turns crows into a black cloud of feathers at 200 yards! Had I to do over, I'd have reamed a seater sleeve
I am using a Forster bench rest seating die. It has done a great job for me so far.

I honestly wish I had enough money to throw around so that I could buy one and see how it compares to the ultra. I've considered it on numerous occasions but due to the results I'm getting and that the cost is not considerably more, I've always just gone with what I know works and purchased the ultras. I wouldn't hesitate to get the benchrest if I knew it'd produce the same kind of groups my ultras do.
I honestly wish I had enough money to throw around so that I could buy one and see how it compares to the ultra. I've considered it on numerous occasions but due to the results I'm getting and that the cost is not considerably more, I've always just gone with what I know works and purchased the ultras. I wouldn't hesitate to get the benchrest if I knew it'd produce the same kind of groups my ultras do.

all Forster seaters are the same except for the micrometer head, and even that can be added later. I bought that Forster die set for $25 new in the box. The Pindell built inline die set is very similar in design and looks to a Wilson, but still a little different. I have no money in that die as I did a couple favors for him and a friend of his that made bench rest bullets.

One of the best tools you can have is a good drill press and several rolls of emery cloth. Then you can polish things to get what you want.
Well I use the standard redding die. Nothing to brag about and no micrometer on top. It's a standard die by redding and it seem to work fine. I get good accurate loads with repeatable shot placement.
I just purchased the micrometer seat stem for my redding die in 270WSM. Awesome is all I have to say. It is easy to get all my lengths consistent. It was about $37 and just replaced the old seater plug. Easy!
I emailed Hornady tech support and it turns out that they sell a VLD seater stem for 6.5mm cartridges. $15 shipped from EA Brown. Hopefully it does the trick.
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