You guys made me think (ouch) ...
I think we have a bit of a "both right" scenario going on here ...
Hypothesis to be proven or challenged:
If the BC of 2 different weight projectiles is the same - their flight characteristics are the same regardless of their weight (i.e. same drop at 1000 yards)
Here is the (simplified) equation used to calculate a bullet's BC (based on the wiki page):
BC(projectile) = Mass(projectile) / [Diameter(projectile) ^2 * i(coefficient of form)]
So, that which makes up the BC for those projectiles is in fact a factor of Mass - as well as Diameter and their coefficients of form ...
So, from what I am understanding (so far) on this - 105g 6mm w/ BC of .6 (making this up) and a 140g 6.5mm w/ BC of .6 (making this up) should both exhibit same drop across their path as long as their muzzle velocity is the same ...
So to see if this is correct, I plugged these two into the Hornady G1 calculator ... both with .6 G1 BC ... both at 3000fps muzzle ... leaving everything else the same and only varying the weight and ...
Drum roll ...
... Both have 7.2 mils drop to 1000 - spot on the same
My conclusion - weight/mass is a factor in what the BC actually is - however - for two different weight bullets with the same BC, their drop will be equal if fired at the same velocity.
Somebody correct me if my logic is wrong?