weaver v24 classic vs. bushnell 4200 6-24

I was also hoping for a response for I have a chance to pick up an as new Weaver V24 and wanted to know what people thought of them for I am wanting to use it in HP silhouette.
Among the scopes riding my varmint rifles are: Weaver V16 and V24, and Bushnell 4200 4-16x. I don't have a 4200 6-24x yet, but I know some experienced shooters who do and have found the same things. And based on my usage, I would go with the 4200 6-24x on a custom rig, and the V24 or V16 on a humble factory rifle like a Ruger VT. Here are some of my findings:

Loses some image contrast from a little over 20x to 24x.
Fine crosshair reticle good for varminting beyond 600 yards.
Medium turret markings are clear, repeatable clicks have clean feel.
Sunshade NOT included.

4200 4-16x:
Clearer optics to the edge.
Medium turrets have finer complete turn markings and are a little harder for us with presbyopia to read - remedied with a little magnifying glass.
Sunshade included.

Repeatable medium turrets, but all 3 I've used have sloppy feel.
Glass is fair, but not quite as good as 4200.
No sunshade, either.

To summarize, the V-series is a bust buy on a tighter budget, but the 4200 is money well spent for a more enjoyment. It's one of those situations where you get what you pay for.

Hope your search is fruitful....danno

[ 05-14-2004: Message edited by: Danno ]
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