Weatherby bolt stop groove machining - recommended gunsmith?

Dr. Vette

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2009
Holland, MI
I'm working on a project 7mm Weatherby with a 1:8 twist barrel. In order to use longer bullets I have swapped to the longer 300 length magazine, but now have to have my bolt machined to allow for the longer stroke.

Has anyone done this, and if so who did you use? My (not so) local gunsmith wanted a LOT of money to do this, and I can't believe it's as difficult as they made it sound. Before I ask a friend who is a machinist to give it a try I'd like to see if anyone knows a gunsmith who has actually done this successfully and for a reasonable price.

with a little thought and a milling machine you could do it yourself. i'm sure your machinist friend could easily do it. I've put 300 weatherby mag boxes in 300 win mag mk V rifles for the same reason. all he would be doing is extending the groove.
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