We need to go over this once again.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2003
Swartz creek Mi
A customer comes into a Pawn Shop to sell his 03 Springfield that is under 800,000,
knowing the recievers are suspect of being brittle and suspected being unsafe. After telling the customer the truth and showing this person what has been written, if the rifle is all Military
what should I do? and is it worth buying?
kc, I can't contribute much, but as a minimum I would get or read a copy of Fjested's Blue Book, research on line, and look in Gunbroker and Guns America to get a some idea of what it's worth. I do know it's a collector and too risky to be fired.

Bruce Canfield is a very knowledgeable source of info and values on this rifle. He has articles in the American Rifleman, including some about the 1903. I would search the Rifleman for 1903 Springfield articles.

I really like these old guns, and would like to know how you come out.

Good luck, Tom
Research the market and see if there is any demand and what the going rate is. I use Gunbroker for this purpose all the time. Check completed items. Not just what people are asking.
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