
Guy M

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2007
Chelan Co, Washington
Wally the beaver posed for me while I was walking my dog along the river this morning. Don't often get to photograph them on land, usually they're just swimming past:


Regards, Guy
A couple of weeks ago, walking on the river front trail (Colorado river) before coming to work, I caught one getting ready to cross the concrete, maybe 8' wide, he spooked and the flopping of his tail hitting the concrete was hilarious. Sounded like a wet bathing suit smacking it. No shortage of beaver around here.
Man those are some destructive suckers. We are constantly at war with them on our property. Tearing up trees damming up our pond outflow. Burrowing in our levies and causing sinkholes. Not to mention walking out after a hunt on the pond levee and having one slap that tail on the water and scare the crap out of you lol. I guess in gods plan they all have a purpose. But they are like viet cong around here.